Chapter 12: High Achievers Camp- Day 7

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I took my stuff out of the cabin and moved into Mei's cabin for the last day. They didn't mind at all and Lilith let me borrow her tablet thing. She said it was named a Switch and it was made by Nintendo, the same company that made the Wii. I asked her what games she has and she showed me this game called super smash bros, where I fight characters, Mario Kart, which I loved playing on my Wii, Super Mario Odyssey, which she said to click on my new account and it'll explain the game as I go, this Legend of Zelda game, and many more. I started off with Super Smash Bros and took my anger out on these poor characters. I wasn't very good at the game but to see the characters die made me feel so much better. I ended up switching to Mario Kart at about one in the morning, reliving some memories and then I switched to Super Mario Odyssey at five. I stayed the whole night playing games and before I realised, her tablet thing died on me. I quietly went back to my cabin and put it on charge, before walking back to my cabin. Today we head back home. We packed up our things and threw them onto the bus, by the time we made it to our school, it would be the end of school. I thought about sitting alone on the bus on the way back. Unfortunately, by the time I had gotten on the bus the only spot was next to Lana. We didn't speak a word as I sat next to her. I finished my toast quickly and took out the last of my drinks. A pink monster, two green monster, four water bottles and a bottle of chocolate milk. I took the chocolate milk out and passed the two green monsters to Lilith and Zale who gladly accepted them. I took at the pink monster and threw it into Lana's lap. I could fell her staring at me. I took a drink of my chocolate milk, closed the bottle and put it back into my back. I then relaxed and leaned back, closing my eyes. The tiredness from not sleeping had kicked in. No matter how I sat, I still felt extremely uncomfortable. Until finally my tiredness took over my body and I fell asleep.

I woke up suddenly. It felt like it had been a while. I was still tired, but I wasn't on the verge of falling asleep. I realised my neck was really stiff and then I realised I was leaning on something. Opening my eyes I looked around, to see I was leaning on Lana's shoulder. I pulled away sharply, waking her up too. I didn't face her for the rest of the trip home. We were about twenty kilometres away from our school, with two schools ahead of us. I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through it, looking for something to do. I hadn't realised beforehand that I didn't have any games on my phone and I didn't think to download them when I did realise because I thought I would be chat the whole way back.

The only app I could have used was Wattpad, but I read all the interesting stories, and was not mentally prepared for the mature rated stories. Who knows what things are in those books?

I turned to Lilith and Zale to see them playing on the tablet thing again. This time they were playing Mario Kart, and I think Zale was winning. Behind them Mei and Cali were cheering them on and I couldn't see Jake. I looked behind me and I found him chatting with that girl he took to the dance. He looked extremely happy to be with her and they looked like they were having a good time. I also spotted Anastasia. She was sitting next to a guy chatting with him, smiling and playfully hitting him. Were they flirting? What do I care? Lana's not my friend anymore. I took out my chocolate milk and took another sip. At the same time I got a monster can thrown at my face.

"Sorry!" Zale shouted. "Do you have anything else?"

I put the monster can and my drink back into my bag, then pulled out a water bottle. They shrugged and I passed it to them. I then got another bottle and passed it to Lilith, who also took it. I took another one out and offered it to Cali, but Jake rudely snatched it before she could get the chance. The last one I gave to Cali. The only drink I left now was my chocolate milk.

My phone vibrated quite loudly so I picked it up and looked at it. It was a message from my mum.

"R u on ur way?"

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