Chapter 2: Principal's office

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Class is the definition of boring.

"Soooo, Em, is there something you aren't telling me?"

My head snapped in Lilith's direction. She raised her eyebrow at me, leaning on the table we were sitting at.

"What do you mean?" I asked, cluelessly.

"I'm friends with Zale, remember? They sent me a photo," she whispered, smirking.

A photo? Why would they send a photo?

"On the bus, Emma," Lilith sighed, sensing my confusion.

"Oh," I muttered, looking away. This was awkward. I had no idea what to say, nothing could excuse why we were like that. I didn't even know why we were in that position, or why I enjoyed it.

"You don't want to tell me?" Lilith asked, slightly hurt.

"There's nothing to say."

"You were holding hands," she pointed out.

"Correction, she held my hand." I corrected, as I fidgeted with my pen.

"And yet you didn't let her hand go?"

She was teasing me again. I could tell by her voice. I sent a warning glare to her, only causing her to laugh.

My mind went back to the bus, it felt so right. There's nothing wrong with that, right?


"Emma, Lilith, mind telling us what you were talking about?" The teacher asked, causing us both turning to face him.

"No sir, that's why we were whispering," I replied back. The class snickered. He sighed.

"Detention, unless you can answer me correctly, Emma," he started, causing me to roll my eyes. "Definition of chemical reaction?"

"I dunno sir, you never explained it."

"Actually, I just did. If you weren't too busy talking to Lilith, you would have heard," he continued. "Detention after school."

"But I take the bus home and I need to pick up my brother!" I shouted, concerned. Of course I was faking this concern, I really didn't want detention. And my grandparents can pick up my brother if I can't, they're his emergency contacts.

"Fine, detention after school on Monday. Make sure your parents know."

Great, after school detention on Monday. Couldn't have just canceled it, noooo, I'm gonna give you detention because I'm a a stupid little-

"Fuck you," I heard Lana mutter.

"What was that Miss Lahiffe?" The teacher asked, turning back around to face our group. The class looked excited, clearly waiting for some drama. Our school was drama free, so anything entertaining enough.

"Fuck. You. No one likes you," She repeated, looking him dead in the eyes. She then smirked at him. I smiled, silently thanking her. She turned back, winking at me.


"Detention after school Monday."

Why did she do that? She knew she was going to get detention. It's not the first time I've gotten detention, just the first time my teacher has been annoying about it. Maybe she didn't wanna leave me alone? Aww that's sweet of her.

"Oh fuck no, I'm not taking on the bus home alone," Zale chipped in. I snickered.

"Detention for you two Mr Rossi."

"Mx Rossi, sir. I'm not a boy, I'm non-binary," They added, offended slightly. I assumed they must have told the teacher, or even the class, before about it. Guess I need to learn to pay attention.

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