Bromance 😎

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~Daves POV~
He gets up the stairs and I of course follow behind him.

We get up to my room and we both sit on my bed.

We both sit in silence looking at eachother for a few seconds.


"We should've planned this." I exclaimed. Maintaining eye contact. "Yeah, no shit sherlock." He said back. Rude. "Do you wanna' watch something?" I asked picking up my remote. He looked at my like I was stupid. I mean, I know I am but still. Anyway, I take that as a sign to turn on a romcom for him.

I go on his netflix and flick through his favourites until I find something we can both tolerate. I click on the movie and sit back on my pillows.

~Karkats POV~
Me and Dave arrive into his dumpster of a room. Mmm 🌟mental illness 🌟. We both sit on his bed and find ourselves stareing at eachother not knowing what to do. "We should've planned this." He exclaimed, not breaking eye contact.

"No shit sherlock." I respond. "Do you wanna' watch a movie?" He asks. I look at him with the most obvious yes, blank face; slightly hoping I made him feel like and idiot. Of course I fucking do.

He clicks on netflix and then my profile. He ended up going to my favourites and chooseing a romcom. He put on a romcom without a fight? I'm not even going to question the fact he hasnt made any cocky comments and or joke but now putting on a romcom? What the fuck is wrong with Dave.

I know i'm always pissed at him for being cocky but I still love him for it. He still is kind of a dick though.

~Daves POV~
We are both now watching one of these shitty romcoms. I can see why he likes them but that doesn't mean they don't still suck ass. Anyway-

I'm still board.

And very impatient even though i'm not waiting for anything.

[This is abouta get very homosexual]

I scoot closer and ever so slightly cuddle up to him. Maybe i'll get some type of reaction out of it, maybe I wont.

I rest my head on his shoulder and then rested my leg ontop of his.

~Karkats POV~
W h a t - I cannot process what the actual hell is going on right now. Is he okay? Is something wrong? No seriously, hes neve like this.

Does he need comforting?

I put my hand on his back and rub it, "Are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah I just wanted to know how youd react, lmao. I'm still kinda' board though." He answerd. I need to stop overthinking shit.

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