You flinched from your position, your eyes widened a little at the fact that someone saw you and her kissing infront of the magical house. You quickly turned your attention to the person behind you and was quite surprised to see the shapeshifter.

He shook his head, seemingly disappointed before he glanced back at you with evident irritation on his face. He pursed his lips and he shifted his weight on his other foot as he kneeled down in front of you.

"Are you okay?" The tone on his voice is flat, void of any emotion as he assisted you back on your footing.

You gave him a nod, still unable to speak because of the shock that Isabella gave you and the shapeshifter infront of you seem to notice this which only made him even more annoyed.

"Did you like it?" Camilo asked, his arms slipping to your waist before pulling you close to his body.

His hot breath fanned against your neck as he buried his face on your shoulder, you can feel his lips leaving kisses on your skin and you can't help but grip his hair on a attempt of pulling him away.

"You didnt push her away but you're pulling me away?" Camilo sounded so hurt as he buried his face further on your shoulder, his arms around your waist only tightened and brought you closer to him. 

"We're infront of Casita, Camil-" You couldn't even finish what you were saying because the shapeshifter had sweep you off your feet and he didn't hesitate to walk back inside of Casita.

He made his way towards the kitchen and he placed you down in the wooden table, luckily there wasn't anyone around but the fact that Camilo wanted to kiss so badly is making tou feel vulnerable.

"We're away from the prying eyes of people so can I claim your lips now?" The male infront of you almost sound like he was pleading.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable so please? Please give me the permission to kiss you." Camilo begged, his hands cupping your cheeks gingerly and he made you stare at his hazel eyes.

He gave you the gaze that someone would give to the person they love. He's staring at you with so much desperation and need as if he have been waiting for a chance to have you this close to him.

"Alright.. Just, please don't do anything rash." You murmured with uncertainty.

Within the blink of an eye he had caught your chin between his thumb and index finger, making you look up at him while leaning his face close to yours. You could feel your heart skip several beats as his irresistible scent filled your nose, his lips hovering above yours.

"Mi amor, I'm not like my cousin who wouldn't ask for your permission." The shapeshifter stated, intentionally dissing Isabella which made you amused.

When your lips part to retort he’s already upon you. The gentle press of his lips against yours got a little rougher, his head tilting to the side. Hot breath pushing against yours his tongue trailing your bottom lip, coaxing you.

Your tongue meets his and the hand on your cheek slips to the back of your neck to hold you in place.

A sharp nip at your bottom lip made you gasp. He seizes the chance to roll his tongue along with yours. The sealed lips holding his groan in from the pleasurable feeling that the kiss were giving him.

You tried to pull his head back to inhale some oxygen but his grip on the back of your neck held you back. Opening your eyes, you caught his hooded gaze, his eyes drawn to your kiss swollen lips, a dangerous twinkle in those hazel beautiful eyes.

Shallow breaths are the only sound between the two of you inside the kitchen and his eyes followed the trail of your tongue when you licked your lips.

Before your tongue slipped back into your mouth his capturing your lips once more. He shifts his head to the side, noses rubbing against one another. 

Camilo's sole focus is on your lips, warm and delicate fingers digging into your waist at his growing desire, he pushes some air out his nose before swiping his tongue along your mouth once more, capturing your lips over and over in frenzy.

You pulled away desperate for breath and a moment to catch your bearings at his unrelenting attention. His lips twitch seeing the darkening of your lips from his attention before dipping his head down, he trails kisses along your jaw down your neck sucking the exposed flesh, the need to mark you is overwhelming his instinct.

A squeak sounded behind your back causing something in the deep recesses of your mind to tell you to stop and pay attention.

Your hand slipped on Camilo's dark and curly hair to pull his away and he only let out a groan before resuming to sucking on your skin but you're white persistent as well so you repeated the tugging on his hair.

"Camilo, stop—" You were cut off by another squeak and this time, the realization had sink into your brain.

You didn't hesitate to push the shapeshifter away from you and you turned your head to look at the kitchen door way, surely enough, the Madrigals grandchildren are standing there.

"Ha, how can you top that, Isa?" Camilo spoke with a hint of mocking tone then you felt his arms wrapped around your waist once again, pulling you close to his body.

Luisa and Mirabel both have an annoyed expression on their faces while Isabella and Dolores held an unamused ones in their faces. All of it are pointed towards the Madrigal behind you.

"I thought we all agreed that we'll share (name)?" Mirabel asked, crossing her arms infront of her chest with a frown etched on her face.

Her statement left you speechless, shock and bewilderment filled your whole being as you comprehend the information that she just dropped, they seem to disregard your presence because they continued on talking.

"Mami said that we'll have to ask for her permission and she gave me one." Camilo retorted back with a sly grin creeping up to his lips before burying his face on your shoulder, "Mind if I tell you how soft her lips are?"

"Camilo!" The female Madrigals yelled out in frustration and annoyance.

Your face bursted with fifty shades of red, flaming hot with embarrassment and shame as you sat there, listening to their bickering.

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