-5- we're friends now, right?

13 2 0

The lights switched on, illuminating the entire daycare. I squinted my eyes to let them adjust to the brightness. I turned around to see Moon now bent over standing right next to me. 

"Fucking christ dude, don't do that. You scared the shit out of me." 

He didn't say anything, he examined every part of my body closely. Moon being so close felt very...odd.

"Let me guess, you're wondering why I'm half human and half animatronic?" 

"Yeah...why are you like this?...uh..whatever your name is." 

"My name is Y/n, and I had an...accident...that's all."

He looked back up and stared directly into my eyes. We held eye contact for a few seconds before I heard another robotic voice yell from far. 

"Moon! Why are the lights on?" 

He turned his head to the little balcony on the other end of the daycare. A yellow animatronic that looked almost identical to Moon poked his body out behind the curtain. He saw us and fully came out of the curtain. Obviously, that must be Sun. 

"Who is that? Why are they here so late? Is there something wrong?" Sun jumped down from the balcony into the ball pit and scrambled out. He hurried over towards us. He seems very...frantic. 

Moon, who now looks very bothered, sighed.

"Relax, Sun, they're just a friend of Davie. Nothing is wrong." 

"Oh okay," Sun shifted his gaze to me, "Oh...Oh dear what happened-"

I didn't really want to get on the topic of my appearance, so I just cut him off with another question, "Uh, so, I know you two are both the daycare attendants but, why do you two look almost identical?" 

Moon stood up straight, which proved I was right that he was super tall, he had to be at least 8 feet. "Because we used to be the same animatronic. Sun would be present when the lights were on. Then when the lights went off I'd take over. The humans here thought that I was an "issue," so they made us into separate animatronics to have sun "babysit" me." 

He looked annoyed.

"So...you two don't like being separate?" I asked. 

Sun waved his hands, "No no! We like being separate. It's more convenient, but, Moon doesn't like the reason why we were separated."

"Oh, I see. But why would he be-"

"I accidentally killed a kid," Moon said bluntly, avoiding my eye contact. 

I looked over at Sun, who had a solemn expression on his face, "It's...It's not like he meant to...I knew he didn't do it on purpose and tried to convince them that it was an accident. But they thought Moon was somehow forcing me to cover for him...It really was unfair. B-But, let's get off this topic! How do you like the Pizza Plex so far?"

I felt a bit bad for calling Moon a jackass earlier. It seems he has a bit of a bad reputation around here. 

"Oh well," I walked over to the desk and sat down on it. "I like it, I haven't seen all of it yet but, I think it's really neat. I used to absolutely love robotics and all that, so seeing how advanced you two are is really cool to me." 

"Yeah, so advanced that I could eat you if I wanted to." Moon perked up and grinned. 


Sun took a step towards Moon, "Don't scare them like that!"

Moon snickered, "Too late for that, I already scared them shitless earlier. Your face was priceless Y/n."

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