Two Video Gamers [PART 1]

Start from the beginning

"Applejack, This is Blaze and Rainbow Dash. They're really cool, trust me. You'll like them. Rainbow and Blaze, this is Applejack. 

"Hey Applejack. Nice to meet you." Blaze said. 

"Nice to meet you too." She said with a smile. 

"Hi Applejack." I smiled at her. She gave me a sweet smile in return.

"Hi." She said. She seems like such a sweet person. Maybe there's a chance we'll become friends. Or even best friends. 

"Come on guys, let's play the game now." Blaze said.

   Everyone got on the game. A few seconds later, we started playing. It was quiet for a few minutes. Which is pretty rare because we're always loud. Blaze broke the silence.

"So Applejack, I heard that you're good at this game." Blaze said, trying to start a conversation. 

   Applejack nodded, "Yeah, The game is easy. It isn't that hard." 

"Yes it is!" Blaze shouted. Not gonna lie, that kinda hurt my ears. 

"Blaze, you're loud you know?" I said. 

"Sorry." He said. 

"LET'S GO!" Soarin yelled. I was about to ask him why he was yelling. But I took a look at the tv screen before saying anything. My eyes widened in shock. We actually won for the first time in forever. 

"We actually won!" I yelled. Luckily, nobody was here. Because I would've got scolded by one of my parents if my parents were home. I suddenly heard an unfamiliar giggle. I assumed that it was Applejack since it matched her voice. 

"You're welcome. I told you I was good at this game." She chuckled. I giggled also.

"Thanks Applejack." I said.


   We have been playing the game for a few hours now. Me and Blaze had got to know a little more about Applejack. Not gonna lie, It's fun talking to Applejack. I feel glad talking to her, it's as if I was talking to Twilight and Pinkie. She's also very trustworthy and she's a really honest person. Something I could never do. Well I mean, I can but..not all the time like she does. It's like she's one of those friends that would be there for you until the end. It's like she screams 'it's me and you against the world'. 

"Guys, I gotta go now." Soarin said all of a sudden. 

"Same, I have to help my mom with some stuff." Blaze said.

"Oh, Alright. See you guys later." I said.

"Yeah..See ya'll later. Nice playing with ya'll." 

"You too." Blaze said. Then Blaze and Soarin left the call. Now it was just me and Applejack. It was silent for a little bit, which was really awkward. But there was no way I was gonna speak first. I don't even know what to say! Thankfully, she spoke first. 

"So I'm guessing you have to go too?" Applejack asked.

"Uh...No." I replied. She nodded her head, then it was silent again. Which I clearly didn't want to happen, but it did. But..I did want to still play the game with her though. So I'll just ask if we can. 

"So um..You wanna continue playing?" I asked. She smiled slightly and nodded.



   Me and Applejack were on the game for two more hours. After those hours, me and her made us something to eat. Of course I fed my sister too. After that, we just had an interesting conversation. Applejack told me things she liked doing besides playing video games. Things like running, doing chores, etc. Even though chores are one of the most boring things in the world, I still respected her opinion on it. Maybe because she's used to it. Besides, She's been doing it since she was 9 according to her saying. 

   Another thing, I saved her number. She had asked me if she could save my number and we could go on a call together, Which was completely fine with me. So yeah, we're friends. For now. What I mean by that is, we'll probably become best friends in the future. We'll see.

"So you like playing basketball and soccer huh?"


"Well, that's cool. I don't play basketball, but I do not know how to play. Maybe we could play sometime." She said with a friendly smile. I smiled back, but I didn't reply. I didn't think she was gonna say that. Not that I wasn't okay with it, I just wasn't expecting it. For some reason, when she said it..It made me feel..weird. I had a weird feeling in my stomach for a second. Especially when she smiled. I wasn't sure why, but I ignored it. I'm sure it isn't anything serious. I hope it isn't.

"Rainbow, I gotta go now. You wanna call tomorrow after school?" Applejack asked. I nodded with no hesitation. 

"Sure." I replied. She smiled.

"Alright, talk to you tomorrow." Applejack said. I smiled and waved at her. The call ended after that. 

   I laid on my bed whilst looking at the ceiling. I smiled at the thought of today. I couldn't wait until tomorrow. The best thing that happened today was that I gained a new friend! On top of that, we're almost like the same person. But then that weird feeling came again, I groaned in frustration. Why did it have to come now? I mean to be honest, It feels pretty good. But also uncomfortable. Not knowing what this feeling is is really bothering me. I hope I find out soon. 

To be continued...

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