CHAPTER 26 - Good

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Gloria snatches it out of my hands and opens the box. "Well, bless your heart. Rose, let's put this on you." She straps the corsage to my wrist and beams with happiness at this picture perfect moment.

"Rosy, you look so pretty!" Bethany throws her arms around me in a tight embrace. I'm too stunned to hug her back--this is totally surreal. She turns to my parents. "Mr. and Mrs. Blakeway, we are so very sorry about the accident. We feel just awful about it. We had to take Rose out to dinner and to the dance to make up for it. It's really important that we get a fresh start so we wouldn't take no for an answer."

"That's very kind of you." Gloria smile is filled with gratitude.

"We'll make sure she has a great time," Katelyn adds with a wink.

"Not too good," Dad jokes. "Be back by midnight."

"But, first, allow me to take a few pictures." Ryan shuts the front door and grabs the disposable camera resting on the table near the door.  I can't help but wonder if the pictures are for him or me. "Say, 'Cheese!'"

Bethany and Katelyn take their places on either side of me."Cheese!" the sing in unison, hitting the exact same note.

"Take another one, son," Gloria says. "Rose, stand up straight."

I do my best to comply while the repeated flashes have probably temporarily blinded us all. When Ryan winds the film with his thumb between shots, and the wheel finally stops turning, I utter a sigh of relief.

"Oh, man," he complains. "We're out of film."

"I think we have enough for the photo album," I assure him and move toward the door.

"You kids have a great time tonight." Dad reaches out to open it for us.

"Wait, I almost forgot!" Gloria darts into the kitchen to retreivec what may be the most important part of my outfit. "You can't go to a masquerade ball with this."

It's a shiny, black plastic costume mask from the fabric store that she carefully bedazzled with hot glue, cheap rhinestones and a plumesof red feathers on one side. She carefully pulls back the elastic string. "Be still! I don't want to mess up your hair."

"You put enough hairspray in it, I don't think you could mess it up if you tried." I squirm as she wiggles it on my face.

Bethany laughs at my distress. "You did a fantastic job, Mrs. Blakeway."

"Why, thank you, Bethany." Mom is clearly flattered, and motions to my head. "I curled her hair, then teased it and put half of it up in a loose ponytail. Next, I pinned the curls and pulled out a couple of strands to, you know, cover her ears. And, then there's the make up—"

"That's enough, Mom." I grab my little black purse from the table next to the door and wave. "Let's go."

"Have a magical night," Gloria follows us down the steps and stands on the driveway as climb into Bethany's red jeep. Her blue eyes are sparkling with joy. 

Once we pass my house, I peel off my mask and spy Bethany and Katelyn's delicate, and by look of it, expensive masks laying haphazardly next to me in the back seat. The matte black mask decorated with a band of onyx sequins and three majestic peacock feathers rising from the left side must belong to Bethany. Figures. The peacock is a proud bird. Katelyn's is the white satin mask covered in fine gold filigree, a band of gold glitter around the edges, and a small crown shape above the eyes. Fit for a princess. 

"Time to party," Bethany screams.

She reaches for the stereo and turns the music up so loud I can no longer here the clinking sounds coming from a backpack on the floor. I stare down at the passing cars like those girls must have looked down at me after cheerleading tryouts and I shake my head in disbelief. 

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