02. Library Card

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In the festivness of November, Derry began to get colder. The sky, gray and cloudy, indication of snowfall soon.
Eddie hated the cold; the aching feeling it brought to your bones, the temperature that always fluctuated-- if you were too warm with all of your layers, and dared to take just one off and away, you would be cold just like that.

But, there were some perks to these months of shivering madness. The hoodies, the fire places, the heater and cozy blankets. LED lights on evergreen trees, stockings full of candies, wrapped up boxes sent by some guy named Santa who loved milk and cookies more than ever.

As the boys turned the corner, warmth was amongst them.

The inviting doors to the Derry library shone a bright, biblical light to Eddie. A savior in the freezing cheerful holiday month.

Richie and Eddie entered, and both immediately shivered as their skin grew goosebumps from the heater.
They began to wander around, Richie sticking closely to Eddie as to not get lost. They entered the fiction section and fingered through some books.

"Have you ditched before?" Eddie asked, hushed. He pulled a book from the shelf, searching for a synopsis.

"Maybe," Richie responded almost tauntingly. He flashed Eddie a quick smile before examining a book that peaked his own interest.

"You seem so chill."

"And you're not? Dude, you look chillier than the weather."

"That sounds so fucking stupid."

Richie chuckled. "Shut up."

Eddie smiled. He hesitated, wondering if he should put the book back on the shelf or check it out. He eventually decided on the latter, tucking it into his arm.

"I've never ditched," he admitted.


"No. Not once." He looked at more. "I swore I'd never ditch, and then your dumb face shows up."

"My dumb face is fucking gorgeous."

A girl at the end of the aisle chuckled to herself at this comment.

"I didn't say it wasn't." Eddie put a book neatly back in its place. "Slow down, Richie, we just met not even an hour ago."

The two boys walked around the library a little bit longer, and decided on the books they had. They walked up to the librarian, setting them down on the desk.

"Well, hello there, you two." She scanned the books and Eddie grabbed his wallet, pulling out his library card. The librarian, whose name tag read 'Sheila', took it. She smiled as she handed it back to Eddie. "Playing hooky, I suppose?"

"I guess," Richie smiled back. He pointed to the card, and asked, "Can I get one of those?"

"Well, of course, dear." Sheila pulled out a pen and notepad from beside her computer. "What's your name, hon?"

"Richard Tozier."

"Richard?" Eddie asked. "Sounds fancy."

"Yeah, you're one to speak, Edward."
Sheila asked a couple more questions, and Richie answered them happily. She then printed out a fresh card, handing it to Richie.

"Have fun out of school, boys," she said, and she smiled and winked. They said 'good-bye', and left, exiting the warmth, and ventured back out to the cold.

. . .

"Where to next, captain?" Richie asked.
Eddie shrugged. "Back to school, I guess. Third period is about to end, we can get lunch."

"Well, that's no fun. Why not lunch out?"

"I'm broke, Richie," Eddie chuckled. "No dinero. Unless you have anything, we're sticking with school lunch."

Richie hopefully rummaged through his pockets, pulling some money out.

"What can we get that's worth three bucks?"

"Like, a Slim Jim."

"Just one?"


Richie shoved the money back in his pocket.

"Wanna share a Slim Jim?"

. . .

Eddie took a bite of the meatstick as they walked back to school.

"This sucks," he laughed.

"Don't you dare disrespect Slim Jims in front of me, Eddie."

They entered school through the back and made their way to the cafeteria. It was already filling with students.

"That knock-off meat isn't enough for you, right?" Eddie asked.

"Oh, no way."

"Perfect." Eddie took Richie's wrist and pulled him into the cafeteria, picking the shortest line. They got their food fairly quick.

Richie scanned the room to find a place to sit, but Eddie gripped his wrist again.

"We're not eating in here."

"Oh-- okay."

Without question, Richie let Eddie lead him into the empty Performing Arts hallway, and the two sat down in front of the band room.

"Sit here every day," Eddie said, lifting his sandwich and taking a bite. Through a full mouth, he said, "I have band after lunch."

"No shit, me too." Richie pulled his schedule out of his backpack for proof. "What'd'you play?"

"Percussion. Can't do any of that woodwind/brass bullshit, I'm asthmatic."

"That sucks." Richie sipped his chocolate milk. "I play sax."


Richie choked on his milk, laughing. "Eddie," he said through a faux offended tone.

They ate more, drank more, laughed more. Richie held out a fist, which Eddie bumped happily.

"What's that for?"

Richie shrugged. "You're cool."

"No." Eddie shook his head. "You're cooler."



Richie laughed.

The bell rang, interrupting the moment.
"Last one in the band room is a moldy Slim Jim!" Richie jumped up.

"What the fuck is up with you and Slim Jims?"

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