Mel leaving (Choice 1)

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Welcome to the first choice chapters! This is choice 1 where you choose for Mel to leave! If you don't want Mel to leave skip this chapter and move onto the next one! But if you want Mel to leave read this one! Remember skipping this chapter won't get you lost in the story. It's just what you decided to read. Anyways enjoy no matter which choice you choose!


Your pov

I shake my head and say, ["Sorry.. I don't know what I was thinking.. You're clearly upset about Mel being here with us.. He.. Should leave."] Mel nods and says, ["I'll be at our house.. Don't worry I'll just find another ladybug so I have company. I'll see you around."] After that Mel had disappeared and it was just me and Ganz. I walk to my room and get dressed then walk back to Ganz asking, ["Ready to go?"] While smiling at holding up my camera.

Ganz pov

I nod and look at y/n smiling I was a bit more happy now that Mel wasn't gonna be around to ruin everything. I stand up asking, ["So.. Where to first?"] Y/n says, ["Where we first met! The park!"] I nod and walk out and open the door for y/n as they walk through. They smile at me and then I follow closing the door. They walk to the door and lock it then looks at me saying, ["Wanna use one of your famous, "Shortcuts?""] They laugh a bit as I nod and grab them teleporting us to the park. I look at y/n and ask, ["So.. What first?"] Y/n takes a picture of me and says, ["Let's start with a topic! What's your best quality?"] I look up thinking then say, ["My patient and understanding nature."] Y/n pulls out a note pad and writes it down then looks at me saying, ["Alright let's start with that!"] I nod as I begin to speak, ["Well.. I helped you and I'm helping you keep your job. Plus being here is a real adventure. I miss my brother, but Mel fills the role well and I have nothing to complain about."] As I watch y/n write down everything I said I sit there thinking of course they left out Mel's name then they look at me and say, ["Soooooo.. Before Mel? You had another brother?"] I nod and say, ["His name was Papyrus. He never got along with Mel, but they were always competing for my attention. Then he di-"] I cut myself off and wipe my tears as y/n pats my back, ["Sorry.. I.. Hate remembering the past."] Y/n nods and says, ["Don't worry. It's not about your past. It's about how good of a monster you are."] I nod as I look at y/g and smile hugging y/g tightly. We stay at the park for while happily talking and relaxing as y/n writes down everything I tell y/g. As it starts getting darker y/n tells me, ["Can you use one of your shortcuts? I need to type this all into the computer."] I nod then teleport us to y/g work place and they rush in as I wait outside hidden in a near by bush. An hour later they walk out yawning then asks me, ["What would you like for dinner?"] I look up thinking then say, ["A ham sandwich!"] Y/n sighs and nods holding my hand as we teleport to y/g house. They unlock the door and say, ["After you!"] I thank them and walk in the house as y/g follows behind me and closes the door locking it. They walk to the kitchen and look in the fridge then take things out to make a ham sandwich for me. After it was done y/g gives it to me and walks to their room yawning. I take a bite before realizing they only made for me. So I walk to the kitchen and look in the fridge before continuing to eat I ask myself, ["What would y/n like to eat?"] I see a lot of fruit and with vegetables some milk, eggs, lunch meat and condiments. Y/n then walks out while wearing pajamas and says, ["What'cha doing Ganz?"] I look at them and say, ["I wanted to make you something to eat.. Since you made something for me.."] They smile happily then walks towards me hugging me tightly while saying, ["Awww! You don't have too! I just wanted to get comfortable before making my dinner!"] I hug them back then smile while while watching them reach into the freezer and take out a mini frozen pizza then they place it into the microwave. I watch while slowly eating my sandwich as the microwave beeps and y/n opens it getting the pizza out and putting on a counter to cool off I finish my sandwich and yawn. Y/n starts talking, ["So tomorrow I wanna write about good deeds! To show the humans that monsters really do care! We'll go to the new amusement park that just opened up!"] I look away from y/g saying, ["Without Mel.. I don't do well in crowds.."] Y/n nods and says, ["Well.. We'll just bring Mel! But I'll stay more focused on you so I can get everything for my report!"] I sigh and nod walking off to my room and laying down falling asleep.

Your pov

I sigh and eat my pizza and check my phone for any new messages I see one from the boss and open it, ["I hope you're doing well on your new topic. Remember you get 3 weeks to complete it."] I smile and turn off my phone and throw away the paper plate my pizza was on. I close Ganz door then walk to my room then I lay down and go to sleep.

Taming the untameable (Reader x Ganz or Mel)Where stories live. Discover now