You can see me?

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Mel's pov

As we arrive in the park I hold out my hand and the ladybug flies away I look at Ganz and call his name, ["Ganz! The bug flew away!"] Ganz looks at me and says, ["What did you expect?"] I pout and pick him up, ["But I liked it Ganzy~"] Ganz yells at me as I put him down I cross my arms and lean against his back. Ganz looks around for y/n while waiting patiently I grab the floof on his jacket and play with it. Ganz looks at me and says, ["Mel stop it!"] I let go and cross my arms looking away, ["Hmph~ You're no fun~"] Ganz rolls his eyes and continues looking around. Finally we could see y/n sitting on a bench playing with y/g camera Ganz walks over to them as I slowly follow behind. Ganz begins speaking to y/n while I look in the grass for another ladybug. As I look up minutes later I notice that Ganz and y/n was gone. I sigh and pat the grass teleporting to Ganz, ["Hey."] I say while in a pout. ["You left me behind."] Ganz rolls his eyes putting the suitcase on the bed. ["Don't ignore me! You know you love me~"] Ganz turns and looks at me and says, ["Mel. Don't you have something better to do?"] I smile while shaking my head no and hugging Ganz. ["I'm here for you now! Since my ladybug flew away~"] Ganz sighs and lays on the bed saying, ["Go away."] I pout and look down, ["What's wrong? You can talk to me."] Ganz rolls over facing away from me and closes his eyes. I soon try to pat him, but he moves away from my hand, ["Ganz I.."] Ganz ignores me and falls asleep as I look down I slowly open the door and float out of the room closing the door, ["Since only Ganz can see me I might as well explore."] I float around the house looking at everything and opening doors. I open a door and see y/n laying down while on their phone I smile and slowly float in, ["Nice room y/n"] as I continue looking around there was a dresser with a picture of a lady and a little girl next to her. I look at the wall and there was a larger picture on the wall with a man and the same lady and same little girl with y/n next the man. ["Huh.."] Y/n then turns and looks in my direction and they ask, ["Ganz?.. Is that you? And since when did you own a pink jacket?"] My eyes widen as I look at y/n and they look directly at me. We both stare at each other for what seemed like forever I finally say, ["You can see me?"] Y/n says, ["Y.. Yea. W.. Why wouldn't I? Y.. You are Ganz.. Right?"] I shake my head no and say, ["I'm his counter part. My name is Mel."] As y/n stands there confused they slowly sit on the bed. I decide to sit next to them and we talk for what seemed like hours. I explain a few things to them including how other people can't see me. Y/n and says, ["So every time Ganz was talking to himself he was talking to you?"] I nod happily and hug y/n while smiling, ["Ganz is mad at me~ I think. He won't even talk to me."] As I look down pouting a bit y/n tries to pat me, but y/g phases through me. ["Only others with mine and Ganz permission can touch me. You don't have Ganz permission. But you have mine."] Y/n smiles at me and says, ["I'll talk to him about it. So did you wanna help with my report too?"] I smile and say, ["Ganz won't let me~ He doesn't want others to know about me yet~ So I just stay by his side, and torment him. Hilarious right?"] Y/n laughs a bit as they look at me, ["Ganz doesn't want others knowing because..?"] I pat y/n while speaking, ["Well.. If Ganz just randomly tells everyone that I'm here and he's the only one who can see me then people are gonna think he's more crazy than he already is. So he keeps me a secret. It's not fun, but it is fair."] Y/n nods as they understand. I smile and get up saying, ["Let's NOT let Ganz find out about this ok? He's already mad at me enough."] Y/n nods again and smiles as I appear next to Ganz. ["Ganzy?~"] I say while reaching my hand out to pat him. Ganz turns and grabs my arm with his eye glowing, ["Don't."] As I back away I can't help but worry, ["This isn't you Ganzy. Please.. Talk to me."] Ganz looks away and sighs ignore me again. I couldn't help but to feel sadness as I wanted to hug him and talk to him. I look down and disappear to his sinning tree, I was now curious as to see what new sins he has created. As I touch the sins one by one I see nothing new pop up I sit down and start crying. ["This isn't him.. Why?"] I slow talk to myself out loud more hoping I could find someway to understand. I sigh and get up looking at the tree one last time before disappearing.

Taming the untameable (Reader x Ganz or Mel)Where stories live. Discover now