The meeting

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Your pov

I wake up and look around I suddenly realize I'm in the hospital and my head hurts! As a doctor walks into the room they look at me and say, ["Ah. You're awake."] I quietly say nothing as the doctor starts talking, ["Lucky your head injuries weren't serious. You only suffered minor damage. On the side of your head is a pink mark. We think you got when you got hit with whatever it was that hit you. It should go away soon as when we ran tests nothing serious came up."] I touch the side of my head and my head started pounding, ["OW!"] I scream in pain and slowly lay down.  The doctor soon gives me advice then slowly walks out of the room. I look around the room not sure of what to do, but rest, ["This injury.. It hurts like hell.. What was I hit with?"] Soon I started drifting off to sleep that's when I heard a voice I get up and look around, ["W.. Who's there?"] I say extremely shaky. A monster walks out, he wore a blue jacket and had black streaks running down his face he slowly starts to say, ["Hi.. I wanted to make sure you're ok.. After you got hit with that football.."] I look down and stare at my hands before looking up at him, ["Football.. That's what caused this pink mark?"] The monster looks at the pink mark for 2 seconds then gasps, ["I'm going to kill that pink idiot."] I look at him confused as he slowly says, ["Oh that? It's nothing. It will disappear in 2 days tops."] I look at him, trusting his words and I nod with a sigh of relief. I say, ["My head hurts and this pink mark is annoying... But it's nothing I can't handle. Thank you. I'm guessing you're the one who took me here?"] The monster nods and says, ["I only left you outside the door.. It was the other humans who brought you in."] I silently stare at him thinking to myself, ["Why would he help a human?"] I look down and say, ["Thank you. You helped me.."] The monster nods and says, ["Welp. Maybe I'll see you around."] He soon disappears and I'm left there with my thoughts racing. I shrug them off and fall asleep.

Taming the untameable (Reader x Ganz or Mel)Where stories live. Discover now