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"Good morning M'Lady" Emy entered as she went to tie the curtains of her bed.

"Good morning" Yoon-ra warmly expressed with warmth as she observed Emy.

"Oh by the way, My Lady, the King wants to have breakfast with you along with the Prince" Emy joyfully voiced, after receiving a nod from the Princess, she bowed before leaving her bedroom.

Carefully she moved the blankets off her, and started her daily routine, then she went to join them for breakfast.

The door opened seeing a peak of her Father and Brother sitting, having breakfast, she hesitated whether to greet or not after having yesterdays conflict. Yet after noticing her Father's expression she greeted "Good Morning Father and Hi-Yoon" receiving a nod from her father along with her brother's smile is enough to distinguish that everything is possibly alright between them.

"G'morning" Hi-Yoon uttered with warmth, Yoongi hesitated whether to greet them or not, knowing that there could be a chance that Yoon-ra would ignore him, he gathered up the courage not wanting to eat in silence. "I hope you both sleep well,"

"It was amazing! The new pillows that they delivered yesterday were super comfy and fluffy, i wonder how many chickens they killed to achieve that fluffiness!" He beamed, a smile lighting up his face as he recalled how he was rolling around the pillow last night.

Hearing Hi-Yoon's statement Yoon-ra choked, thus, she end up coughing. Yoongi can't help, laying down his utensils, before drinking his cup of wine positioned at his right hand.
"Don't you think that's sharing too much?" With a hint of bitterness in her annoyed expression, she refused to eat after losing appetite from Hi-Yoon's words.

"What's up with over sharing, after all we're a family," Hi-Yoon senses her sister's loss of appetite, he cackle at this sight reminiscing about the expression she made out of bitterness earlier. "He's right my dear, although we're aware that your sister here is more drawn to animals," Yoongi lift his hand to his mouth covering his smile.

"Oh look! Just in time our breakfast is chicken!" Hi-Yoon added, earning a silent laugh from Yoongi, they burst out laughing, the Lady finds herself smiling observing how happy her family has been lately along with a few conflicts, yet they always find a way to entertain one another.

"Have a safe journey, the both of you alright? And look out for one another.
Make me proud so as your M-mother" Yoongi stuttered saying the last word that came out as a whisper. Yoon-ra grinned at this sight, before hugging Yoongi tightly, he stroked her daughter's hair, then planted a kiss "We Will Father, We Love you" Hi-Yoon joined as they embraced one another with warmth.

"Be safe while we're not here okay?"
Hi-Yoon pats his father's back and departs from the hug to bid goodbye.

Hi-Yoon gives a hand to his sister on getting up on the horse, he follows after he assured that Yoon-ra was sitting comfortably,  they followed
Soobin, their mentor trains for their basic combat skills.

"Here we are," Soobin sigh in relief after a long journey, he went down to assist the royal siblings yet he saw Hi-Yoon is already helping Yoon-ra, so he stopped for a few moments, before taking their horses to tie them in a nearby stables, since their training field wasn't Unknown to them, since they oftenly sees new soldiers or knight train here to enhance their skills.

Hi-Yoon looks at Yoon-ra fixing her corset, he glanced at their mentor, seeing him feeding the horses he sighed, with curiousity he approached the table topped with a blue fabric, his eyes shined seeing the numerous weapons lining up.

"If I may ask, this is North of the Winter Woods isn't?" She points at the silhouette of a village from a far, covered in fog. "And right there in the East is the Village of Death,". Soobin pats the horses before turning his head to where Yoon-ra was pointing at.

"Your right about that Yoon-ra, how did you know?" Soobin curiously eyed Yoon-ra with his eyebrows raised, "Don't be surprised, she's what we call a bookworm at the castle," Hi-Yoon chuckled, earning a glared from Yoon-ra.

"You know what they say, a princess must learn how to be responsible, so when the time comes, she wouldn't have trouble handling a castle when she became queen," She teasingly eyed Hi-Yoon with a cheeky smile, the young man rolled his eyes.

"Your family is truly full of wonders, I can't exactly tell who got Yoongi or Caliana's attitude" Soobin huffed with a smile, Yoon-ra scoffed while her brother teasingly nudged Yoon-ra's elbow.

"Well, I probably got Father's attitude since this pipsqueak here, clearly acts more like a lady than I am," Yoon-ra sarcastically clapped her hands, acting surprised. Hi-Yoon pushed Yoon-ra using his hip, causing her to lose balance.

"That's it!" Yoon-ra angrily stood up making her way to march towards Hi-Yoon with full force when Soobin interrupted.

"Yoon-ra, act formal like a Princess"
Hi-Yoon tried to suppress his smile by acting serious, receiving a death glare from her sister, who's now being pushed back by Soobin.

Hi-Yoon's Mind

Are they sure this is my sister?
We spend our whole life growing up in a castle living a Royalty life but...

Why is she acting like this?

Yoon-ra decided to eat an orange after Soobin tossed her the bag full of oranges, as a way to calm her down, she observed that Soobin was preparing the obstacles of their training, while Hi-Yoon was practicing his spell book given by their aunt. When she heared something echoed from afar.

"Y'all heard that?" Yoon-ra stood up carefully finding where the noise was coming from. "Heard What?" Hi-Yoon looked suspiciously with a frown towards her, "this sound that is echoing" she uttered looking around, Soobin eyed Hi-Yoon as they stared at one another with a confused expression. "I didn't hear it".

"Enough with the distraction, let's go start, because we have to go back before dawn hits" Soobin squint his eye eyeing the sky full of clouds, initiating it could rain soon.

"And as you know I'm not an expert when it comes to Dagger so I decided to invite someone" Soobin cheekily smile at them, before moving aside to reveal the invited individual. They heard heavy footsteps behind him.


To be Continued....

LLQ: The Journey Of The Siblings [MYG] Book 2 [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now