Su Qianci blushed a little and coughed. She said, "I'm fine. Thank you, Ms. Tang."

Tang Qing quickly returned to normal and nodded very gently. "Great then."

The embarrassment was not taken care of. Just behind Tang Qing, two men who followed her also felt a bit weird.

Tang Qing acted as if nothing had happened. "This time we did not win the bid. I did not expect that Mr. Li is as resolute as his brother. Five times the ask price, we don't have that kind of strength now. Next time, we will definitely be more prepared. Or rather, we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future." Tang Qing reached out to her.

Su Qianci stood up with a smile and nodded. "I am looking forward to it."

They were only exchanging pleasantries. The smile on Tang Qing's face was widening, and she said girlishly, "Excuse me, I must leave now."

"I don't feel very well, so I'll just stay here. See you later."

Tang Qing nodded and turned to walk toward the elevator. Just after she turned around, the smile on her face immediately collapsed. Clenching her arm, she gritted her teeth.

Su Qianci!

Tang Qing pressed for the elevator, went in, and looked at one of the men around her. "Did you find him?"

"Not yet, I heard that he was released by the maid, without bringing the drug or injection equipment." He looked at the time on his cell phone and said, "He should be going back now."

Tang Qing's lips finally curled up. The elevator stopped, and her phone sounded at the same time.

"Miss Tang, I found him. Withdrawal kicked in, and he is having bad cramps. He was found by the road and couldn't help coming back himself."

"Got it, give him the drug, but only a little bit at a time. Don't let him be too comfortable, teach him the result of escaping." She laughed girlishly. "I will come back soon. Wait for me."

"Yes, Miss Tang."


After Li Jinnan finished the business and gave the thing to Su Qianci, he went to the bathroom.

Standing in front of the urinal, Li Jinnan was holding a cigarette. When he was halfway through it, there were footsteps outside which sounded like high-heels.

Li Jinnan looked over, and it turned out to be a woman, who came close with a blush. She stumbled and burped. He knew at a glance that she was already drunk. Li Jinnan turned his head, finished off, and zipped himself up. Putting out his cigarette, Li Jinnan disregarded the woman as nothing and walked toward the basin.

But the woman seemed to be unwilling to let him go and fell toward him. Li Jinnan did not dodge in time and was pressured with her body. There was disgust in the bottom of his eyes. Li Jinnan pushed her away, but the woman even reached out and hugged him tightly!

"Brother Luo'an..."

568 Li Jinnian's Romantic encounter.

"Hey..." The strange woman was wearing a blue Lolita dress. At a young age, she had long hair which was a bit messy at that point. Her airy bangs made her little white face looked even more delicate. Her collar was wide open, revealing the tender cleavage. Not deep, but alluring for being fresh. Such a picture was a deadly temptation for men.

Unfortunately, she encountered Li Jinnan. Li Jinnan had a military background and had never touched a woman until now at 29 years old, but the gene of his family was very powerful. None of the family members was lewd, and neither was he. At the moment, Li Jinnan could only feel disgusted. Pushing the woman away, Li Jinnan looked upset as he warned in a cold voice, "Get lost!"

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