S8:E6"The Riddles"

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this episode is 68m

Tony gets to the safe-hose and the tech see that his outside the gate so they open it

"okay i'm here"Tony said

"that was fast!"Frostee and Cisco said

"Anything to do with Layla he will be here in a couple of seconds"Echo said while trying to get something

"Your right on that Echo"Tony said

"Hello Toretto where have you been"Ms.nowhere said

"Thinking in a quite place where Layla and me just know about"said Tony

"Ok whatever Rafaela escape from jail and we need to go and get her put we can't do it without Layla so do you know where she is?" Said Ms.nowhere

"Not Rafaela again and Layla told me that she has no place to go and that Shashi was coming to get her so No I don't know where she is"Tony said

"Will get ready because we are going to find her"said Ms. nowhere as she left the room

"Ok guys I know where Layla is she told me when i was ridding to our favorite place"Tony said

"where is she then"said Frostee confuse

"in a place where it's quite and easy for people to help you keep tabs on and watch"Echo said coming to the room

"ok we just now have to tell Ms.nowhere to find that"said Cisco

"no Cisco we [OG'S] don't need help from Ms.nowhere"said Tony

"but have are we going to find her without Ms.nowhere on our backs?"said Frostee

"we won't"Echo said

"yep we won't we just have to lie about it " said Tony

With Layla And Jun

Layla and Jun heard the Conversation of the Team

"so what are you going to"asked Jun

"I Don't Know what should i do?"asked Layla

"give riddles of where you are but do once that you know that Tony would figure out"said Jun

"okay"said Layla

The Riddles

Jun send a text to Frost computer that said find L riddles here's the first one "Meet the first riddle In a c__ shop"

so Tony and Frostee went to the car shop and then text Jun back saying "we found it [MEET]

You found it -meet

ok next riddle "You found the first riddle the second one go to the taco stand" Jun texted back to Frostee

Tony and Frostee went to the taco stand and then text Jun back saying "we found it [AT]

You found it (at)

ok next riddle "You found the second riddle the three one go to the ice C____" Jun texted back to Frostee

The three one go to the ice c____

Tony and Frostee went to the ice cream and then text Jun back saying "we found it [OUR]

You found it (our)

ok next riddle "You found the three riddle the fourth one go to the place where we met Shashi for the m______" Jun texted back to Frostee

The fourth one go to the place where we met Shashi for the m______

Tony and Frostee went to the place where we met Shashi for the mission and then text Jun back saying "we found it [FAVORITE]

You found it (favorite)

ok the last riddle "You found the fourth riddle the last one go to the old garage"
The last one go to the old garage

"[note: Layla and Jun are driving to the favorite place of Tony and Layla] Ok Jun the riddles are in place now we have to go to the place while Layla was driving to the place Tony and Frostee was driving to the old Toretto garage [Jun texted the last riddle to Frostee]

Tony and Frostee went to the old garage and then text Jun back saying "we found it [PLACE]

You found it Toretto (place)

"[MEET AT OUR FAVORITE PLACE]" said Tony i know but you have to stay in the car for this one

Tony and Frostee drove a hour and half back to the favorite place and met the person that Tony wanted to see

"i see you found my riddles Toretto"said Layla

"yea did i missed you so much Layla"Tony said

"me to Toretto"Layla said

"you need you back for the mission and on the team Layla"Tony said

"i know Toretto plus how did i know that you need me that's why i did the riddles"said Layla

"Your smart Gray"Tony said

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