The wandering

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Just a little refresher, Randy Young and Tess were engaged, set up by both their clans, for a while before Tommy got Tess pregnant. As a consequence, he gets set up to marry Tess' wayward sister, Laura.

Also, fun fact: The Boswells are actually a real prominent British-Romani family that prospered during the 20th century and in Season 4, Polly mentioned that her mother was Birdie Boswell, which was inspiration to Tess' origin. Don't worry though, there's no incest since the family is so big. It's the same with John and Esme, who marry, even though Tommy mentions that the Shelbys and the Lees are (probably) distant kin on his mother's side.

Chapter Text

The seas were always calm this time a year in Cornwall. It was a crisp spring morning, the salt in the air permeating through their camp. They used to stop here since Tess had been a little girl. It had been her father's favourite spot, right by the cliffs of the sea, with its' jagged peaks piercing through the air.

It's been a week since Tess had come to see her family. She was greeted warmly by all the members of her clan, welcomed with much celebration and embraces. Her mother was now the head of the clan, since grandmother's death, and she aged well with her dark black hair streaking through with gray. When Tess told her family of why she left Tommy, no one asked unnecessary questions. It is not uncommon for wives to leave husbands for a while and live separate lives. Being Catholics, the Boswells didn't have much support in a concept of divorce, which was unspeakable. But, they were always understanding to the concept of separation.

" Funny", Dahlia, her sister, remarked as Tess recounted her story, " Tommy was never one for blondes. Couldn't take his eyes off you since we were kids".

Tess didn't reply to that.

Instead, she focused on her family, who she hadn't seen in years. It broke her heart not to see Emory, who had perished in the war, but she was overjoyed to see Zachary and Terrance with a bundle of children. Her sister Esmeralda was living with her husband's family, the Waters, up all the way in Ireland. Dahlia was with the Boswells, widowed from the war with a daughter who hid behind her skirts. As for Laura, she had perished during childbirth giving birth to Randy Young's third. He was around the encampment, although Tess didn't like to look at him or her dead sister's children.

Tess was slowly getting used to the pace of life here in the encampment.

In the morning, when the sun was barely rising, she'd get up from her vardo and take a horse out into he clearing. She'd ride for an hour or so, just clearing her mind. She always thought better around animals, especially horses, who she greatly missed since coming to the city. After her ride, she'd wake the children and go take morning meals with every member of the Boswell clan present at the table. After that, she'd send the children to her younger cousins and go work around the camp, either milking the cows or cooking the upcoming lunch. Sometimes, her and her sister Dahlia would go picking sweet berries in the forest nearby. Other days, she'd just laze around all day, watching the sun sink underneath green hills.

On one of those lazy days, Randy Young approached her as she sat on the edge of the forest on a haystack, the sun warming her skin. He appeared suddenly, his big, burly form looming over her. Randy was a handsome man, Tess had always known that, albeit a little too big. His hair was a rusty red color, his eyes a periwinkle blue. He was kind and gentle, like one of those gentle giants her grandmother used to tell Tess tales about.

" Theresa", he greeted her, startling her.

He was one of the only ones that had called Tess by her real name. He did it as a gesture of respect, although it never failed to make Tess think that he was calling for somebody else.

" Randy", she answered back, sitting up properly.

Randy watched her with a bit of wonder in his eyes, thinking of how Tess didn't look like she'd aged one but since these seven years. He had always liked her, often giving her plucked flowers and giving her shy kisses on her cheeks.

" What happened between you and Tommy?", he asked her, his brows furrowing.

Tess plucked a daisy from the grass, twirling it in her hand, her eyes lowering. She didn't speak for a little while, watching as Randy sat down next to her.

" Tommy loves another woman and I am pregnant. I didn't want to subject my own flesh and blood to being in a broken family. There will be no repair there", Tess replied sadly.

Randy watched her with perceptive eyes, his gaze sorrowful. He took Tess' hand in his but she pulled away, startled.

" Since Laura died, I struggle to take care of the children. They need a mother. You and I... we were meant to be since the beginning. Maybe this is God's way to tell us that we have both strayed from our paths and that its time for us to come together again", Randy told her, his hand taking hold of hers again.

Tess tensed, trying to pull her hand away from his grip. She thought he was talking absolute nonsense. Perhaps grief of losing my sister made him say these strange things, she thought.

" Randy, you aren't making sense. I'm still married to Tommy. I can't... can't just go on and be with you", she managed with a shaking voice.

" I know a man in the Parrish who can arrange you an annulment. He'll get us married in a week. I'll raise your children as my own, offer you protection. The Youngs have been gaining more coin, we can afford to get us a house in the countryside", he said fervently, then taking both her hands into his, bringing her closer to him, " I will love you, Tess, love you like Tommy has never loved you".

" No, Randy, I canno-", Tess began, only to be interrupted by Randy being pulled away and punched in the face by a very angry looking Tommy.

After he was done beating Randy, he looked up at Tess, blood on his face. Jealousy burned bright on his face, making him look red and furious.

" One week I'm gone and you're already getting proposals", Tommy breathed out as he spat out blood on the floor, " Looks like I can never let you out of my sight".

Tess froze in shock.

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