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No one pov:
Tommy was sick of everyone in the smp even Tubbo the man he had thought of ad his best friend only for him to choose L'manberg over him a country that they had both fought for to gain independence from Dream

Only for Dream to have Tommy be exile for burning down George's house and after spending only half a year with Dream Tommy couldn't handle Dream burning and exploding his things he makes in exile

No one had went to see him not even his own father try to see if his youngest son is at least somewhat safe after being left alone with Dream the man everyone knows is absolutely an dangerous man that didn't like Tommy to much

But they still let him take Tommy who was only about 15 when he left but turned 16 while in exile no one even came to his party he had made for himself except for Dream who was the only one to show up for it

Now loosing fate with everyone around him, Tommy decided that he would be better off leaving the place he once thought was his home

Tommy pov:
As I packed my bag with the little things  that haven't been blown up or burned by Dream which was only a few stale bread, an apple, pickaxe, and a sword

The last two were hard to keep it took a lot of begging just to keep the two but they weren't that great as they were both only stone tools that we're close to breaking pretty soon "But it's better then nothing"

Throwing the bag over my shoulder I made my way out of my ripped up tent that I've been living in for half of this year 'Has it only been half a year though everyday had felt the exact same' time practically slowed down to me when I started living here

"I guess this is goodbye-" looking in the dedication were I knew L'manberg was in it hurt a lot to leave that place even though I'm not there "If only things have went different" turning the opposite direction I started to run in full speed

'I should try to be far away from here before morning' when I got to the water I went to a small cave that leads to no were and got the small boat I made a few days ago for my getaway from the island Dream had put me on

Getting in the boat I started to row myself out of the cave and into the sea the full so I was able to see what was in front of me 'As well as others can see me in the water' shacking that out of my head I just continued to row myself to freedom or my death

"If I'm being honest I'd rather die from anyone but Dream" heck even Tubbo could kill me and I'd be better then letting that green boy kill me 'Even though Tubbo betrayal did feel as though he stabbed me in my heart'

As I stop rowing the boat the island was out of my sight grabbing my bag I pulled out the compass that Ghostbur had given me a while ago "I know he did it to protect L'manberg but...he could have at least try to find another way"

Puting the compass back in my bag I went back to rowing the boat into the night was with each row got me farther away from Dream and everyone else

~3 hours later~

"Finally I've hit fucking land" falling backwards in the boat my arms were completely sore from all the rowing I did the moon was now going down as since I started in the middle of the night

'I should get some sleep' as I closed my eyes I heard someone or something get close to my boat but I couldn't care since all my energy was already used up closing my eyes I hope whoever it was would leave me alone if they believe I was just a dead kid on a boat "You seemed a bit beat up kid" well that didn't work "Fuck off"

Y/N pov:
Looking down at the kid he had a lot of bandages on him, now I know teens can sometimes do dumb things but I don't believe that would have this many wounds that will most likely leave scars

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