Chapter 8 - Audrey

Start from the beginning

"I promise you, Your Highness, she is still very much alive. Her pulse is clear. And her skin feels warmer. People with hypothermia tend to sleep a lot. There is no need to panic." Another new voice rang through the room. Silence spread across the two people I didn't know. Then, I felt my weight shift as someone sat on the bed.

"I know Gale. I had you check her pulse mere hours ago and you said the same thing. I just can't help but worry. Who knows how long she was outside in the snow, freezing to death? Something could still happen to her. Something may have happened to her that caused her to be out there in the first place. What good am I if I can't protect my subjects?" The first voice was closer this time, clearly the one sitting on the bed. By both their tone and words, I could tell they were worried about me, for some reason.

"Your Highness, you do so much good. You took this girl, whom you've never seen before, and brought her here, warmed her up, had her changed without revealing anything, and have taken excellent care of her. And this is only one of many examples I can provide. Do not say things like that. You are an incredible ruler." The other person said, their voice softening slightly.

"Thank you Gale. You are so kind to me. I'm lucky to have someone like you in my life." The first voice replied. Suddenly, I had a feeling that they were looking at me. I couldn't pretend anymore. I opened my eyes to see 2 women staring at me. The one sitting on the bed looked to be about 20, her black hair cut short, striking blue eyes, and a natural blush on her cheeks. The other woman looked older, maybe late 30s. Her hair was slightly gray but it was clearly dyed that way. Instead of emptiness, confusion overtook me and I began to panic. I had never seen these people before in my life. I thrashed around, trying to throw the blanket off so I could escape.

"Hey, hey, hey! It's ok! You're safe here, please don't panic!" The younger said, reaching out for my hands. I pulled my hands closer and continued moving around. I didn't know who they were or where I was and I was petrified. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see their eyes on me. I froze as I felt 2 warm hands grab my wrists.

"I know you don't know where you are and you probably don't know who we are. I'm sorry for startling you. My name is Princess Eve and I'm the ruler of Kilan. The other woman is Gale, my head servant. You are in a guest room in the castle. We found you on the way home. You were asleep next to the road, snow covering you. Your lips were blue and your skin was frozen to the touch. We brought you back here to warm you up and find out what happened. If you want to leave, we will bring the castle doctor to check you out, provide you with proper clothing for the weather, food, water, and give you a ride to the nearest town. We will not force you to stay here. I will not make you do anything you don't want to do." The girl named Eve said, never loosening her grip on my wrists. Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw her smiling reassuringly at me. 'Her story makes sense... So I guess all the things I saw weren't dreams. She was the person approaching me and I rode in a carriage which was most likely carried by horses. I don't have anywhere else to go and they don't seem to want to hurt me' I decided, slowly nodding and relaxing my tense body. Eve smiled at me again, letting go of my wrists.

"So what's your name?" She asked, her voice gentle. I shook my head and pointed at my throat.

"I believe she is unable to talk, Your Highness." The older woman, Gale, said. I nodded in response to that and looked away.

"Hm, alright. Gale, if you would be so kind, please bring us some paper and a pencil. As well, tell Chef Lill to prepare some tea with honey and warm soup please. Have her send them to the Cream room once they are ready" Eve said, her voice still kind even when giving an order. Gale bowed and left the room.

"How do you feel overall? Are you too hot? Too cold?" Eve questioned, clearly wanting to make sure I was alright. I shrugged a little. The blanket was heavy, but the fire was nice. The two put together were making me really warm which was in turn making me tired. That may be because of the hypothermia though and not the comfortable warmth. Before Eve could say anything else, Gale re-entered the room with paper and a pen. She handed it to me and then took her place by the window.

"Ok! You can write down whatever you would like us to know. You don't have to say much, but a name and maybe even a basic explanation of why you were out there would be nice." Eve said, gently touching my hand again. That small touch sent shivers throughout my body. I ignored them and turned my attention to the paper. I decided to write down my name and that I was outside because I had nowhere to stay after my girlfriend left me. I was simply traveling until I found something. I handed the paper to Eve and waited as she read what I had written. Silently, she turned to Gale and passed the paper to her. I kept a careful watch on Gale's face in case she reacted in some extreme way.

"We will be right back, ok Audrey? I need to discuss something in private with Gale." Eve said, standing up and walking out of the room, whispering fervently with Gale. I stared after them, wondering why they left so suddenly. 'They're going to kick me out, I know it. I may as well just get ready. I think I'm strong enough to get up.' I thought, struggling to throw the blanket off. After a few moments of struggling, I was sitting up in bed, the blanket discarded on the floor. Taking a deep breath, I pushed off the bed, standing on my feet for the first time in days. Swaying a bit, I started to make my way towards the door. Only a few steps in; however, I collapsed, my unused legs not strong enough to support me. My head pounding, sweat dripping down every inch of my body, I closed my eyes, willing the pain to go away. Too out of it to notice, I didn't even realize the door had opened.

"Audrey?!?" Eve practically shouted as she kneeled down to make sure I was alright. Becoming delirious, I opened my eyes and smiled at her.

"Gale, go get a doctor! She's definitely getting worse. I'll get her to a different room, this room is too hot for her. She's sweating like crazy. We will be in the Teal Room. Please hurry! I'm afraid something terrible is going to happen." Eve ordered, gathering a few things before rushing out of the room, Gale on her heels. I laid there, smiling like an idiot. My eyes drifted closed again. I had no idea how much time passed, but I felt myself being lifted into the air by strong arms. I forced my eyes to open and saw Eve's determined and worried face looming above me. I lightly squeezed her arm causing her eyes to flick down at me.

"It'll be ok Audrey. I promise. We'll get you healed and everything will be alright. I'm not sure how much of this you're understanding but I'm saying it anyway. You have a really high fever and we're getting the best doctor in the palace to come help you. You will be ok." Eve told me, more talking to herself than to me. Feeling safe in her arms, I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to an uneasy slumber.

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