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Life beneath the sea wasn't the best for Audrey. As the prized daughter of King Trevor, that wouldn't be expected; however, she was surrounded by pressure. She couldn't be her true self except when alone or with her best friend, Fin. Fin was only a small fish but he made Audrey feel so much better. He didn't judge her for anything, not even her deepest, darkest secret. When she wasn't with Fin, Audrey was with her sisters. She had 6 of them, all of them older than she. Armene, Alexis, Anabella, Augusta, Avery, and Adaline. King Trevor loved all of his children equally, but Audrey was her Aunt Uri's favorite. Audrey didn't know why Uri liked her so much, but she did. Sometimes, when Audrey was alone, she would notice Uri's eels, Fiona and Juliet, watching her. She liked it and never commented on it. It felt nice to know someone cared in a world that seems so void of love.

King Trevor was a very kind king most of the time. Key word, most of the time. More often than his family liked, he got furious and created a storm, ravaging both the world under the surface and above. That really only happened when one of his daughters upset or infuriated him. Sadly, Audrey managed to accomplish that a lot. All she wanted to do was be true to herself. King Trevor hated the fact that his daughter acted so differently than everyone else. He could tell that something was 'not normal' about his youngest child so he ordered his servant, Sal, to keep an eye on her. Of course, Audrey never let that stop her from being who she truly was.

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