And he had that same look in his eyes Himiko does when she saw something that excited her. 

"What?" Kota asked looking over at her. 

She chuckled and went over to him, and plucked him off the bed. 

"Hey! I'm not a baby you know," he whined, but she could only laugh again as she kissed his cheek. 

"Yes I know, you say it often honey," she cooed, kissing him right above the eyebrow. 

"Eli?" he asked, making her fully look at him. 

"Yes?" she asked. 

"...Why do you like me so much?" he asked. Eli quirked an eyebrow at the small boy, confused. 

"What do you mean?" she asked. 

"Well... you don't kiss Izuku or Hitoshi this much... do you?" he muttered, a cute red blush settling on his cheeks, looking up at her with slightly panicked eyes at the thought of him not receiving the most affection. 

Eli hummed at that, smiling a little as she pats his head. 

"Izu, Hito, Kat, Sho, Himi are my babies, but they're getting older don't you think, and I... can't really have anymore," she told him with a gentle smile. 

He looked up at her with wide, curious eyes, a pang going off in Eli's chest as she stared at the small child in her lap. 

"Why not?" he asked. 

"Well, when I was little, before Izuku's mama was mine, I had different parents. They weren't very nice to me and wanted to focus on making me stronger. So they made it so I couldn't have any kids," she explained as easily as she could. 

Kota gave her a sad look, wrapping short arms around her arm. 

"Do you want to have more kids?" he asked, a spring of hope in his eyes. 

That gleam made Eli's heart warm, and she smiled before shaking her head, watching as he saddened. 

"I have all the babies I need don't I?" she said lifting the boy up high. 

Kota exploded with giggles and squeals as she kissed him all over his face, his face similar to a tomato, small tears pricking his eyes as he laughed. 

"Alright now, it's time for me to get ready, relax over here until I'm done huh," she said kissing him one last time on the forehead. 

He nodded still blushing, but this time he gave Eli such a bright smile that she swore she thought her heart stopped for a second there. 

Nonetheless, Eli continued on, changing into her suit, doing a little makeup, and leaving her hair alone. She smoothed out her blazer, brushed her dress pants off before she slid on her heels and she was ready. 

They all were. 

·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙ ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠·˙

Eli sat at a dinner table, Kota seated right beside her glaring harshly at the man in front of them. 

The seats under them were black suede, the round table a polished mahogany blend, a chandelier shined at the top of the secluded room they were in, inside of the restaurant. You could hear clattering from the kitchen that was a bit far away, and the chattering from the other occupants of the restaurant whenever the door opened or closed. 

"Is bringing a child to such a meeting a good idea?" he asked. 

Eli chuckled, lifting her hair to reveal the glasses on her face. 

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