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Alexis Pov

I woke up to a cold bed. There was no dip where Romanos body had been and I felt fear take over my body. I rose to my feet throwing on one of his or my brothers shirts and his robe before flying down the hall into the kitchen where about 25 men stood around.

"Where is he ?" They all looked confused. I looked over at the clock that was about to strike 5.

"Don't make me string you all by your bloody balls! WHERE IS HE!?" I shouted as a few of the men looked at me with fear , the rest looked annoyed. I was pissed.

looking over at the sink full of dishes , a large butchers knife already dripping with blood. I rushed over grabbing it holding to a blonde haired man who rolled his eyes. "You all have 20 minutes to find my husband or all of you will feel my wrath!" I spit with such venom. In moments they all scattered out the room on the phone and with laptops in hand doing as I asked. I made sure to walk the blonde man with the knife right in his back so his friends would understand I meant business.

The door clicked and In walked in the most dramatic assembly of men possible.







The knife fell to the floor as I ran over to my husband wrapping my hands around his neck. His large hands lifted my legs around his waist, his face in the crook of my neck. "Im here baby." He whispered in my ears as Alexandrian looks at me with confused eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU IDIOTS DO!?" He shouted pulling out his gun to the room of scared fools. Everyone paused as Romano put me down looking at the blood on his robe and on my hands.

"I'll skin you all alive." He spoke calmly.

"It's not my blood." I whispered pulling Romano closer to me and brushing against my brother. Alexandrian put his gun back in his pocket and Romano returned his face to my neck leaving soft kisses. "You just saved 20 something fools , Rose." I smile at the old pet name returning.

"Get out , and you?" Ajax pointed to the blonde man d been holding hostage," You should feel embarrassed that a barely 5 foot 100 something pound girl held you captive." The man wiped a few drops of blood off his shirt before sighing. "She's Alexandrian's sister , Wife of Romano Ricci , and  Alexandrine Bells daughter! I was doomed before the fight even started!" Sebastian laughed while Ajax rolled his eyes. "GET OUT!" He shouted again and the blonde man left.

"What's his name ?"

"Ron Jones. Why ?"

"Remind me to shoot him."

My eyes shot to Ajax who spoke of murder so calmly. He noticed my stares.
"I know you're not staring bullets in me when You married a mobster , are the sister AND daughter or mobsters , Not to mention everyone on both sides of your family tree are mobsters AND we walked in on you with a knife to the man's heart. " He crossed his arms across his chest flexing his muscles.

"I'm not use to such violence." He rolled his eyes again. "And we're all going to heaven." I rolled my eyes.

"Well now that we've resolved that , Uncle is coming to town and so is Aunt Alexandria. The Christmas dinner can continue on and Alexis has to put on another perfect performance." Alexandrian walks over to the bar pouring everyone in the room a drink. When he got to me, I felt an erge to say no. He simply drank his drink before slowly sipping on the drink that should be mine. Romano took notice of this but said nothing.

"My dads already here." Ajax spoke.

"No, My dad." Sebastian countered. "My mom as well."
"Holy shit." Santiago interjected. "This is going to be a literal family dinner if both Athena and Basil are coming." Romano only huffed before sitting on the couch and patting his lap for me to sit. Everyone filled in around us.

"Aspens coming back from Korea tomorrow, and the Westbrooks are attending this year." Sebastian sighed looking at his phone like he had a list of things to discuss.

"We're really being everyone here to start hell?" Ajax asked shooting back his glass of scotch and getting up to pour another. "We have no choice....We've all made too many enemies alone along the way and now we have the Russians after us, The polish , Some foolish American fucks after us." Santiago points out. My heart hurt thinking back to when he blurted out about how he lost his whole family in this life. I halfway knew how he felt. I had just lost two of my little sister and not even 6 months ago my life had been turned on it's axis when I found out I was adopted. Sometimes you're just so ok with the life you're living , You never really take the time to think the logics out. You just live and continue to be happy , Fact or not.

"We need to run another Wife boot camp , especially because Alexandrine has met "Sofia" and already knows how similar she looks to Alexis." I thought back to the conversation I'd had with my father ;

"I know who you are, Sophia.."

"I know who you are, Sophia.."

"I know who you are, Sophia.."

"He might already know who I am..." I mumble as the men look up at me. "Alexis , What do you mean?" Alexandrian asked gripping his glass a lot tighter. "He told me he knew who I was and then told me to come home and that I was always welcomed..." My hands flew to the side of my head as I try to hide my face from the angry men in front of me.

"YOU DIDNT TELL ME THAT PART!" Santiago yells.
"We're all gonna die!" Ajax mutters before walking back to the bar. Sebastian and Alexandrian only run their hands over their faces and through their hair.

"Don't yell at her." Romano said with a stern tone. "Maybe be doesn't fully know."

The door flew open and in walked my bad ass aunt. Long lean legs as she matched the men in the rooms height and confidence.

"He definitely knows and has always known."

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