27~ School Shopping

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We laughed and I shrugged my shoulders. "That's how we roll" I said as Remi pulled into Riley's parking lot. I realized that some of the boys' cars are here, including Will's truck. They must've come for lunch.

We all walked into the restaurant and the boys were all sitting in the corner booth. None of them noticed us as we walked in. I saw the perfect opportunity to scare the hell out of Coop. I put an evil smile on my face as I walked over to the boys. Will and a few other boys saw me, but I put my finger to my mouth, hoping they got the hint.

Coop still had his back to me when I came right up behind him. I grabbed his shoulders and screamed in his ear. He jumped up from his seat and screamed like a little girl. We all busted into laughter. Coop glared over at me.

"Cora Maeve Barnes you scared the ever loving shit out of me" He growled with a hand over his heart. His face was bright red.

"Sorry Coop all is fair in love and war" I shrugged. Will scooched his way out of the booth.

He wrapped his arms around me and lightly kissed my head. "Hey darling."

"Hey babe" I reached up and pressed a quick kiss to kiss lips. It wasn't long enough to satisfy me, but my brothers and their friends were here. No one wanted to see us kiss right now. I turned to the table and ultimately my brothers.

"I thought y'all were going to Cole's?" I said interrogatively. 

"We got bored and hungry so we came here" Connor shrugged.

"You do know, y'all have to be home by dinner, right?" I asked the boys. Sometimes they don't listen and end up not having any idea what's going on.

They assured me that they know we're having dinner with the Erickson's tonight and they'll be there on time.

"Cor, we got you chilly cheese fries and a root beer" Lena announced as she walked over to me and the boys.

"Thanks guys" I said.

Connor was the next to get out of the booth. "Hey babe" He said before crashing his lips on Lena's without a care in the world who was watching.

"Hey baby" She smiled as they pulled away.

"Ugh y'all are gross." Remi stated and stuck her tongue out in disgust. I pretended to gag and vomit.

She rolled her eyes at us.

"We've got to get going," Cole said.

All the guys all nodded in agreement and started to get up and grab their drinks. They said their goodbyes and left Riley's.

"Looks like we're out of here" Will kissed my cheek. "Bye snowflake" he smiled at me.

"Bye Will" I waved at him. "I'll see you tonight" I smiled.

He blew me a kiss and left with all the other boys. I shook my head at him as he almost ran into the door when he was walking out. He was a dork, but he was my dork nonetheless.

The girls and I quickly ate so we could go to the store to get our school shopping done. We spent a total of thirty minutes eating. We really couldn't wait to go shopping.

I was really excited when we left the house, but the closer we get to it the more I think about how school is going to affect my relationships with my friends and boyfriend. This summer has been a dream and I don't want school to be the nightmare that wakes me up. A knot curled up in my stomach just thinking about it.

"Cora" Remi said and pulled me out of my thoughts.


"I said we got here. Are you okay? You look a little pale" She worried and put a hand up to my face.

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