Prolog: 蛍と蝶々 (Kunang-kunang dan Kupu-kupu)

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You know, we live in a world between firefly and butterfly

They two come and go

Fly around us

Pretty butterfly flies during daylight

Brings her colorful wings to the sky

But she misses the silver moon

Gentle firefly shines upon the night

Becomes the only one yellow star among white ones

However, he wants to see the golden sun

In the dusk and the dawn

They meet each other

Just to share their separate world

She wants to see him, a piece of black sky

He misses her, a part of yellowish noon

So do I, so do you, so do we

In the slightest chance we meet

When the gift from you ticks at 8, your eyes cast down

I step back a step, and then move forward

Tell me "good morning" and I fall into a dream again

My day starts, we're going to take separate places

And I'm fine with that kind of natural way-of-living


Hai, salam kenal, angela's here. Ini cerita pertama aku, mohon dukungan dan sarannya ya. Aku udah bikin kerangkanya, kayaknya bakal jadi cerita yang agak panjang, hehehe, semoga suka ya. Untuk prolog, cukup dengan puisi pembuka dulu, aneh kah puisinya? Tapi ini bukan puisi doang kok isinya, dikit aja puisinya, mungkin sekitar tiga buah.

Kemungkinan update-nya gak bakal cepet, aku lagi sibuk bikin essay dan proposal penelitian nih, buat daftar sekolah. Tapi karena ini ide udah meledak-ledak, aku bakalan prioritasin ini setelah berkas-berkas terkirim. Mohon tunggu ya, dan doanya juga.

Oke deh, karena ceritanya belum ada, mungkin aku gak bisa minta comment, tapi minta voting, please. However, if you want to write a comment about my poem above, please do so, I really appreciate it. Sampai jumpa.

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