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Y/n's pov:

Nat lowers the Jet on a large field, i assume to be the closest to the house, "we're here" she cuts the engine and takes her seatbelt off, i follow suit, grabbing my bag on the way out.

I gaze up at the night sky, filled with stars as Nat closes the jet's door "lets go", she starts walking towards a building in the distance, i almost jog to keep up "slow down" i chuckle. Natasha turns to me, grinning "speed up"

Nat opens the front door and walks inside, we look around and gaze at the plain white walls of the one storied building.

"how beautiful" my voice is laced with sarcasm "i know right" i walk through the house and into the living room, i throw my bag down onto the floor and then throw myself down on the sofa. I hear Natasha shout from the kitchen "Now all we do it wait"

I shut my eyes, imagining myself laying in my bed at home with Kate by my side, i'd so much rather be there than here right now, i could get killed or kidnapped or-

My thoughts are interrupted by a vibration coming from my pocket, i sigh and pull my phone out 'Hey, how's everything going' i smile at the notification from Kate 'good, miss you already' it takes a few seconds for her to reply 'miss you too, how're you feeling?'

'the same as before i left' i respond truthfully 'you've got this y/n, everyone here believes in you, it's going to be okay' i faintly smile at my screen 'thank you my love'

'you are so welcome, and hey, look at this' *1 attachment* i grin widely at the picture of Kate laid in bed in only my hoodie and boxers 'beautiful as always'

'i'm going to bed, be safe and get a good nights sleep' i smile at her caring words 'okay, goodnight bishop, sleep well' she reacts to my message with a heart.

I shut my phone off and put it back into my pocket. I gaze up at the ceiling, my thoughts flooding back, "hey" i look up to see Natasha stood in the doorway, "hey nat" she sits on the sofa next to mine and gazes at me "how're you holding up?" i shake my head "not well, you?" she sighs "me either" i sympathetically smile "wanna talk about it?"

she nods "i just don't get how he survived, i destroyed it, i did it with Yelena, i saw it explode, i saw his helicopter explode, i'm just..." she sighs and throws her head back
"...i'm just so sick of him, i've been enjoying my life, i've been out partying a-and making friends, whilst all these little girls are being trafficked and tortured and assaulted..."

She leans her elbows on her knees and rests her head in her hands "...i'm just so tired of it all, i'm stupid for not seeing this" i sit up "you cant blame yourself, don't do that to yourself. Natasha..." she looks up at me tears brimming at her eyes "No-one would've seen this coming, this isn't your fault. okay?"

I get up and sit next to her. I wrap my arms around her and pull her into my chest. She lets out a loud sob "it's okay... it's okay"

After many minutes she pulls away "don't get yourself killed, i don't want to lose you" i nod "copy that" she smiles and stands up "want some mac and cheese? i'm making some" i grin "yes please" i stand up and follow her into the kitchen

I'm woken by a loud thud outside, i look down at my watch '04:30' i look over to see Nat sprawled out over the other sofa "nat" i whisper shout "natasha!" she groans as she slowly wakes up, the front door shoots open, a loud bang echos throughout the building.

Before i could even say anymore i feel a pinch on my neck, i drift off into darkness.

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