Marshall and Everest first date

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It had been two days after chase and skye date now, and the two spend most of their time together, but now it's is marshall and Everest turn to go on their first date

With Everest and skye, who is helping evrest get ready

Skye: so are you ready, Everest

Everest: yeah, I do, so  how do I look

Skye examines Everest and notices how she looks nice with little makeup on perfume

Everest: not going to lie, skye I'm a bit nervous about it

Skye: calm down, Everest nothing to be scared about

Everest: I know, but it just this would be our first actual date, and I don't know what to do, especially if it's just him and me

Skye: relax; Everest, be yourself like you told me, and everything would be ok

Everest: thanks skye

She looks at the time, and it's time to go

Everest: well, I'll see you later

Skye: see you later, ok, and have fun

Everest: ok, I will and have fun with your chase

Skye: I will

Everest heads out to meet Marshall on their date

With Marshall and chase

Marshall: ok, I'm ready. How do I look

Chase: you look good with a bow tie but no tux

Marshall: yeah, I did not want to go as crazy as you did

Chase: I guess so. Where are you two going

Marshall: we are going to movies for our date chase

Chase: that sounds fun for you two

Marshall: it will be, but I'm still a bit scared of the date not going right at all

Chase: oh, come on, it will be just you two, of you with no problems anymore about the whole echo situation

Marshall: I know but still feel bad is all

Chase: I know we all do, but it's all good now, so have fun with your date

Marshall: ok, I will, thanks, chase well, I better be going. I don't want to be late

Chase: see yea

Marshall: bye

Marshal drives to the movies and sees Everest waiting outside the entrance

Marshall: Wow, you look pretty, Everest

Everest: thanks, marshall, and you too look nice

Marshall: Thanks, Everest, so um, it's time for our movie

Everest: yea, it's going to be fun; let's go

The two walk-in and being to watch their movie, and as they are enjoying the show, a kissing scene was on, which caused both to blush and look at each other

Marshall: umm

Everest: yeah, well

The two stared for a moment and started to lean in for a swift kiss, and went back to watching their movie

A few hours later, the movie has ended, and the sun starts to set

Everest: that was a good movie, wasn't it

Marshall: it's sure was a little embarrassing of the whole kissing scene

Everest: yeah, but I still enjoy it

Marshall: so do you want to go to the beach for a while

Everest: sure

They head to the beach with the sunset reflecting off the ocean

Marshall: I like to come here. It's helped me relax, especially after the whole adventure we have been through

Everest: yeah, I need this

Everest lays her head on marshall's shoulder, and the two stare at the sunset

Everest: marshall, can I tell you something

Marshall: Yeah, what is it

Everest: I wanted to say that after the whole cave incident and how I almost lost you, it made me realize how much you mean to me. You did all of that for me, and you wanted to help

Marshall: I did, but look what happened. It got you hurt as well echo to

Everest: I know you feel bad but remember you tried to hell and helped me give me what I always wanted. and you mean a lot to me and when I almost lot you it made me fully understand that and I love you to

Marshall: Thanks, Everest. That means a lot from you, and you do mean a lot to me. Heck. This whole adventure was for me to give you the golden liver as a gift to confess my feelings for you

Everest: you know all you need to do was tell me I'd had feelings for you too, you know

Marshall: yeh, but I was scared to tell you

Everest: I should have guessed, but I do love you, marshall,

Marshall: I love you too, Everest, and after everything, we been through

The two stare at each other until they pull each other into a kiss that lasts for a good several minutes.

After a few hours of embracing each other and their love for each other fully expressed with the passion they spent together on the beach for hours, they have used all the energy  they had, and we're both getting tired fast

Marshall: Everest, I think its time for us to go home

Everest: I don't want to, but It's getting late

Marshall: wait, would jake care if you decide to spend the night at the lookout

Everest: yeah, he won't mind

The two head to the Lookout and transform their vehicle back into their pup house from

Marshall: um, do you want to sleep in my pup house? I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to

Everest: sure, I love to marshall

The two enter marshall pup house and snuggle agents each other and share one last kiss before falling asleep

Marshall: night eve, I love you

Everest: I love you, my marshall

First Date: Paw patrol Valentine ShortWhere stories live. Discover now