The Video

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A/n I just realized that if Casey was 12 when Finn died she would be 20 or 21 now, but oh well I am keeping the story the way I have it :)

The next couple weeks flew by, Kurt got the video from New York, at the end of the day at school Sam had Casey come to the auditorium, when she got there everyone including Carole and Burt were there

Casey-"Is this about the show?"

Kurt-"Kinda sorta, but go ahead and sit down".

Mercedes-"We wanted to wait and show you this your senior year, but we thought maybe it was best if we did it now".

Rachel-"Our senior year Finn made a video for you and we thought that you should watch it now just like Mercedes said".

They all go back and sit down, Will starts the video

Finn-"Hey Casey it's your big brother here, I just wanted to make this video to tell you what to expect when you get into highschool, some of it can be rough while the rest is awesome. I've had my fair share of hard times, I'm sure you remember the whole Quinn and Puck thing then off and on with almost every girl in the glee club, but what matters most is the memories. At the start I didn't want to join glee club because I thought it was stupid, but then I realized that I made friends and would always have a good time, and if I remember a little someone told me to join because I had a great voice, (smiles). What I'm trying to say is Case, is that no matter what you decide to do in highschool, sports, clubs, anything I will always support you no matter what, hey you never know you're probably watching this and in the glee club right now. Well I think I'll end the video here. Love you Casey forever and always". (video ends)


Casey-"He made that for me?" (tears in her eyes)

Tina-"He did, he wanted to make it just in case he wasn't there ya know because of the army stuff".

Mike-"We didn't think it would have to be this way though".

Will-"What did you think?"

Casey-"Thank you guys for showing it to me now, he really wanted me to join glee club?"

Rachel-"He did, he would always talk about how you and him would sing through the house and that you had an amazing voice".

Quinn-"Does this change your mind at all".

Casey-"Could you guys give me a few days?"

Blaine-"Sure we can". (smiles)

After that they leave the auditorium, Casey heads to the house, when she gets there she goes to her closet and takes out something that she hasn't seen in years 

After that they leave the auditorium, Casey heads to the house, when she gets there she goes to her closet and takes out something that she hasn't seen in years 

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Kurt-(walks in) "About time you got that out of there".

Casey-(jumps) "Dude you spooked me".

Kurt-"Why now?"

Casey-"I don't know, I thought maybe I could look at it and think of all the times when he wore it ya know, I remember he had it with him when you guys first one sectionals".


Finn-"Mom, Casey I'm home".

Casey-"You won!!!" (runs to him)

Finn-(picks her up) "We did in fact".

Carole-"Here let me take your jacket to hang it up".

Finn-"Mom someone has to put it on first like she always does".

Casey-'Give it here". (puts it on)

Carole-(laughs) "Maybe you'll grow into it someday".

End of flashback

Casey-(puts on jacket) "Wow looks like I did grow into it".

Kurt-(smiles) "I'm just glad Mr.Shue gave it back when Santana made those signs".

Casey-"Yeah me too, you really think I'll do good in glee club?"

Kurt-"Of course from the video that Blaine showed me and from whenever you and Finn would sing around the house I say that they will have a great addition to the family".

Casey-"Wow Kurt you actually gave a good pep talk". (laughs)

Kurt-(hugs her) "Love you, come on dinner is ready".

They head downstairs, Casey is in shock with who she sees

Matt-"My have you grown".

Casey-"Matt!" (hugs him)

Carole-"We thought you would be happy to see him, so Kurt invited him and Hillary over along with Dante".


Casey-"My have you grown as well". (picks him up)


Dante-(gets down and hugs Sasha) "Told you I was coming over".

Blaine-(laughs) "Let's go eat".

They eat dinner, Matt and Casey catch up on some things, after awhile Matt and his wife along with Dante left, after that Kurt, Blaine, and Sasha left too, Casey then went upstairs and got ready for bed, she was about to put the jacket in the closet, but then decided not to and hung it up where she would put her coat

Puck-"So Shue gave her it".

Finn-"Yeah I remember he stole it from Santana".

Santana-"I so wanted to hurt him when I found out, but when he told me he gave it to Casey I hugged him".

Puck-"So you think she's gonna join after that video?"

Finn-"I hope so, I'm kinda glad they did it now instead of her senior year".

Santana-"It was nice to see Matt happy with his wife and son".

Finn-"Yeah it was".

They talk somemore and look down on Casey for the rest of the night

Casey-(gets in bed) "Night Finn love you".

Finn-(smiles down) "Night princess".

Casey then goes to bed after she thought she heard something

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