8 Years Later

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Carole-"Casey come on hun or you're gonna be late!"

Casey-"Coming mom". (heads downstairs)

Burt-"First day of junior year how do you feel?"

Casey-"Good I guess". (sighs)

Carole-"I know today is tough, but remember your friends are there for you hun". (hugs her)

Casey-"I know mom, well I'll see you guys later".

Once she leaves the house Casey gets in her car then drives to school, when she gets there she gets out of the car and is greeted by some of her friends

Shane-"Yo Casey!"

Mikey-"Nice to see you finally".

Casey-(laughs) "Come on guys I was on vacation". (hugs them)

They all head inside the school then go to their regular classes, then after those classes were done they all went to lunch

Shane-"How's everyone's day going?"


Casey-"It could be better".

Suzy-"Oh jeez today's the day isn't it?"

Casey-"Yeah, but I'm okay guys". (smiles)

Sam-(walks over) "There's some of my kids".

Shane-"Hi Mr.Evans".

Suzy-"How was your summer?"

Sam-"It was great how was yours Casey?"

Casey-"It was good".

Sam-"Well I'll see you three after lunch for the rest of the day".

Shane-"You bet".

After lunch is done they go to their main musical art classes for the rest of the day, Casey went and got changed then headed to the dance studio

Courtney-"Hey girl". (hugs her)

Casey-"Hey how was your summer?"

Courtney-"It was good are you doing okay today?"

Casey-"It could be better, but I'm fine". (smiles)

They head into the dance class and they begin, once they were done Casey changed then went to one of the choir rooms, she went in and sat down to watch

Blaine-"Okay boys great job today".

Tristan-"Thanks Mr.Anderson".

Cruz-"Yo what up Casey?"

Casey-"Oh nothing just seeing what you boys are up to". (laughs)

Blaine-"I'll see you guys tomorrow have a goodnight".

They all leave Blaine then goes over to Casey and they hug

Casey-"You been doing okay?"

Blaine-"Both me and Kurt were a mess this morning how about you?"

Casey-"Been trying not to think about it to be honest, let's head to Sams room".

They head to the other choir room where they see Sam finishing up

Sam-"Great first day see you all tomorrow".

Shane-"Casey you coming over later?"

Mikey-"The things today man". (pats his back)

Casey-"Maybe another day guys and remember you guys are more than welcome to come".

They all head out Sam then sits down

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