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Bright, clear skies painted the horizon a vibrant shade of blue, the warm afternoon air setting the lively Friday mood at the local railway station. The outdoor platform was completed with a bustling crowd, each individual headed off in their own directions.

"Do you think he left?" Jaemin wondered hastily over the simultaneous chatter.

"He couldn't have—" Ru slithered between the tight space ahead of the boys— "the train doesn't leave for another ten minutes!"

They continued to push hurriedly through the crowd, and despite the obvious urgency tugging at them, Ru was hopeful— the skies were a good indication of it.

"This way," Jeno gestured to their left. His hand was glued to the small of her back, his body hovering behind her as they continued to speed-walk through the rush of people that day, eyes peeled for their best friend.

They slipped between groups, and Ru looked up at the digital text display that had the time. Ru swallowed down the little hint of anxiety she had of barely missing the boy. Down an escalator they went, bounding down the steps as its mechanics pushed to do the same.

She parted her way through another opening in between people; the crowd was starting to dissipate.

Just in the distance, she spotted her friend: he was leaning against a station pillar, looking down boredly at the ticket in his hand.

"Renjun!" Her light voice fluttered through the air, loud enough for Renjun to catch.

He looked up, shocked to see the rest of his friends jogging in his direction; Jaemin threw him an excited wave as they moved towards him in almost a huddle.

"Ru..." Renjun pushed himself off of the pillar, eyes darting between his boys and the slightly over-enthusiastic girl.

"Oh—" Ru engulfed him in a tight hug— "thank god you're not gone yet."

Renjun returned the hug, although his sight lingered on the rest of the boys standing behind her. He soon loosened himself from Ru, eyes fluttering in the direction of one particular boy.

"What are you guys..."

Renjun's words trailed off slowly as Jeno pulled four tickets from his front pocket, flashing it at Renjun nonchalantly.

Silence ensued between the group. Renjun gulped, finally holding against the boy in front of him a steady gaze. He jutted his chin lightly at Jeno— "what made you change your mind?"

Jeno's eyes shifted in Ru's direction.

Ru took his side, linking her fingers around his for silent support.

Jeno cleared his throat. "My dad..."

Ru felt him squeeze her hand lightly, maybe unconsciously he did. "He died yesterday."

Renjun's eyes bulged— "shit, I'm sorry..."

Surprisingly, Jeno chuckled indifferently, shrugging— "our relationship was fucked, there's nothing to be sorry about."

Jeno swallowed, drawing his lips into a thin line. "But messed up or not, he's dead. There's nothing I can change, even if I wanted to. Not anymore."

"But you—" he nodded lightly— "you still have a chance with your mom. You still have family, and there's no way in hell I'm keeping you from it."

Ru didn't know why, but she felt a little prick in her eyes. She let out a shaky breath, watching as Renjun's shoulders untangled on his sides. A crooked smile formed on his face. "I appreciate it."

Before she knew it, Jeno pulled Renjun into a bone-crushing hug. The rest gave them space, watching in awe the sweet scene before them. They almost didn't notice a patterned announcement bell ringing in the air above them.

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