[01] quadratic equations

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"Find a, b and c so that the graph of the quadratic function f(x) = ax2 + bx + c has a vertex at (-2 , 1) and passes through the point (0 , -3)."

I drop my arms to my sides, staring at the hoard of students in front of me. I can feel my soul slowly seeping out of my body as my grip on my math homework tightens. With a frustrated sigh, I raise the paper and re-read the question.

"Fucking quadratic functions." I mutter in annoyance, running my free hand through my dark brown hair. "Why would I even need to know this when I'm going to be spending most of my time with balls anyway?"

"Kwon Na-Ri you are one nasty, nasty girl."

I yelp, twisting my body around to face Gyeong-Su. I smack my math homework on his chest.

"I was talking about volleyball you ass."

"Talking about balls is probably not a good idea when you're surrounded by hormonal teenage boys." I-Sak pipes in, settling beside Gyeong-Su.

"Not all teenage boys, it's just this jerk." I point my chin towards Gyeong-Su, who is trying to snatch the piece of paper in my hand.

"I can't leave you alone even for a minute without you embarrassing yourself, huh, Tokki?" An awfully familiar voice says.

I stick my tongue out at Cheong-San. Fucking Lee Cheong-San and his stupid nickname. Contrary to popular belief, I do not look like a rabbit.

"I'm not embarrassing myself." I say, crossing my arms. "Gyeong-Su's mind is just filthy."

"You're both the same, stop trying to compete with eachother." On-Jo interjects.

Only just noticing her prescence, I grin widely and skip over to her. I wrap my arms around her and say, "Nam On-Jo, my dearest friend, I heard you've finished our math homework."

On-Jo playfully shoves me away. "Don't tell me you haven't finished yours?"

"Of course not! They just gave us the assignment today."

"Na-Ri," On-Jo plants her hands on my shoulders. "They gave us the assignment a week ago."

"Ah, fuck." I lower my head.

"That's too bad. We were going invite you to have chicken with us." I-Sak sighs, shifting the weight of her backpack.

"Chicken?" I gape.

On-Jo hums in agreement. "Cheong-San's mom invited us to try out her new recipe. She was looking forward to seeing you too."

"Bummer." I pout. "I've missed mom's chicken."

"Yah," Cheong-San flicks my forehead lightly. "Stop calling my mom, 'mom', it's weird."

"She told me to call her that." I glare at him while rubbing my forehead. "Tell her I'm sorry for missing out on good chicken. As much as I would love to come, homework comes first."

I-Sak taps my shoulder. "I'll pray for you."

"Thanks, you're a good friend, I-Sak." I say. "But I'll be fine. Wu-Jin's somewhat decent at math, maybe with a stroke of luck I can get this done quickly and catch up with you guys!"

"Wu-Jin?" Cheong-San raises an eyebrow. "You're doing homework with Wu-Jin?"

"Yeah," I narrow my eyes in suspicion at Cheong-San's flustered state. "He invited me for coffee so we can do our math homework together. Apparently we're birds of the same feather."

"You can copy mine." Cheong-San says with a shrug. He seems casual, but since I've known him for so long I can sense his tone of urgency.

I look up at him with hope glimmering in my eyes. "Lee Cheong-San, my knight in shining armour! Have I told you how much I loved you lately?"

Insanity ♧ L. Cheong-San x OC (All Of Us Are Dead)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora