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— When you first met her on her way
With her hair down one summer day,
You felt like it could be your fate.
Nothing of which to be ashamed...

You two made friends and so it was:
Connection grew, the fright has lost.
But blessing lasted not for long.
Got used to love, so love had gone.

It's not like you were jealous type
But fear of loss has changed your mind.
Oh, she could never have believed
That your still waters run so deep.

The lack of interest in her eyes
Seemed clearly like betrayal signs.
Got tired of it, she acted bold:
Approached you and so she told:

"Consider: not just friend of yours
But pure soul you found and chose
To be your helping hand in life
As troubles get into your sight.

How dare you cut my thin skin?
Being confused is not a sin.
And if you think I'll leave tonight,
Well, good for you, you're goddam right!"

And left. Leaving no other speech.
Salvation was just within reach.
You couldn't help but overtake.
You grabbed girl's arm and dragged her back.

You beat her with no feel of guilt.
You thought the pain won't make her quit.
And due to fact you made her dead
Tell me: ain't even you feel bad? —

investigator asked the man.
But he stayed creepily cool and then
He smiled with corner of his lip
And said: "Not even just a bit".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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