Anything For You, My Dear, I Promise

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Su-hyeok was a sweet person. He didn't need to worry about anything ─ except for his exams ─ or anyone. He was just like any other men. Has a playful attitude, he makes everybody fall for his charm.

And god, a lot wanted to be his lover.

But he wasn't interested in any relationship. Even though a lot admired and has a crush on him, he's just not interested to anyone. No one seems to get his attention.

All but one.

One whose name is Lee Cheong-san.

I don't know I just like you,

Su-hyeok didn't know how he managed to develop a crush on this boy but he didn't care anymore. He would stare at Cheong-san silently, not even afraid if ever Cheong-san will turn his head to his direction.

And even if he would turn to Su-hyeok's direction, he would look away, cheeks red and eyes wandering everywhere except Su-hyeok.

He looks cute though. Su-hyeok's gotta admit, he does like the boy.

And anyone who gets in my way, honey

Might get a handful of some shit,

Or stay heavy hearted,

Times passed, Su-hyeok's crush on Cheong-san may have become a bit... compulsive. It's not the violent compulsive type of thing but he sure is very possessive.

He doesn't like the sight of anyone touching or hurting Cheong-san.

Of course he had to do something about it. He doesn't like seeing his love enduring the pain. He may or may have not kept a body on his basement... :)

Okay, maybe his crush on the boy is a bit violent. He just can't stand anyone touching Cheong-san.

I know we all want one,

Cheong-san is pretty for a guy. He was handsome and pretty at the same time. That's why some people does have a crush on him. Some people also wanted Cheong-san for themselves.

That's not my fucking problem,

Su-hyeok doesn't care though. He doesn't care about the people who has a crush on Cheong-san. But he needed to get rid of them for sure.

Stay near and you'll have nothing to fear,

He might have been obsessed with the boy, but at least he's doing it so that he can protect him.

Meanwhile, Cheong-san is very clueless about all this. He was innocent about his and Su-hyeok's current situation. He was friends with Su-hyeok, yes. They were very close friends but he wasn't able to connect the dots.

Su-hyeok was sweet looking. He looks friendly and innocent in person. But behind close doors? Not even close.

This might get a little messy I'm sure,

Heads rolling for the one I adore,

Behind close doors is just Su-hyeok cleaning any trails of blood, making sure the room's clean before he gets out, body parts organized in order so that it looks neat when it's about to get thrown out and Su-hyeok washing his blood-drenched uniform.

It's a normal day for Su-hyeok.

This may become a little brutal, if I'm honest,

Su-hyeok's game is an easy one. Simple, only one rule is needed to be followed; Don't get too close to Cheong-san. And maybe, just maybe, Su-hyeok will let you live.

Anything For You| Cheong-san x Su-hyeok Where stories live. Discover now