Chapter 3

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Y/n's Pov

As I slowly wake up, I heard voices all around me. My jolt up right.

I have no idea where I am, who brought me here. All the memories of what happened rush into my head again. "Right... Demon attack..." I groan.

"Ah, Looks like you are awake" I see a girl enter the room "Here, take some of this, it should help".

I looked at her before asking "Um... where am I?.... and how did I get here?".

"You are at the Butterfly Mansion, now take this!" she pushed the cup in my hands. I looked at the drink, Butterfly Mansion.... I have heard of it before, but never thought I would end up here.

I take a sip from the drink and.... hell it was beyond bitter. "WHAT IS THIS?!" I try not to vomit from the taste.

"It's something to heal you" she points to my arms and legs. Looking down, my arms and legs were covered in bandages, I was also in a blue outfit. (Almost the same what Tanjiro and the others were wearing).

I force down the rest of the drink. "Good, now, I need to take care of the other 3 morons". "You mean Tanjiro, Zenistu and Inosuke, so they are ok?" I ask.

She nods "Yes, but one of them will not stop crying". Ehem Zenitsu.

"Can I go see them?!" I ask. "No, you need to rest" the girl said before walking to the door. "Pleaseee" I beg.

"Fine, but as long as you come back here and rest" She glared at me. "Deal!".

With that, she helped me to where the others were located. But this place was stunning.

It was hard for me to walk since my legs were sore and I was tried.. But I wanted to see my friends.

Tanjiro's Pov

Poor Zenistu's limbs were still short after the Demon attack. I was impressed that he killed the Demon really. Inosuke was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

I was sitting on the bed, It was night time, so Nezuko was also sitting on the bed, she looked worried. Honestly, its concerning be why she is worried.

Hearing the doorknob turn, we all stared at the door.

We see Aoi enter with Y/n behind her, "Y/n!" Zenitsu and I said at the same time. Nezuko stood up and ran to Her, "Hey Nezuko" Nezuko hugged Y/n. Now I know why Nezuko was looking worried, she was worried about Y/n.

Y/n's Pov

I'm glad everyone is alright, Even Nezuko, "MmM!" Nezuko said. I laughed and patted the girls head.

Nezuko broke the hug and walked back to the bed Tanjiro was sitting on. Tanjiro stood up and walked towards me, before I could say anything, Tanjiro hugged me.

"E-eh?" I was surprised by the sudden contact, "STOP GETTING ALL THE GIRLS TANJIRO!" Zenitsu yelled in the background and huffed.

My face turned red, and I'm sure Tanjiro's did as well.

"Enough lovey dovey stuff, You, get back in bed!" Aoi yelled, my face got even more red with embarrassment.

Tanjiro sat back down on the bed. Since I was feeling dizzy, I decided to get back to my room to rest.


Couple more days past, we were slowly getting better. Everyone here was nice.

"Y/n!" hearing my name being called, I turned around and saw Tanjiro running towards me, "Hey!" I waved.

He stopped near me and said "Remember the time I told you we could train?"

I nodded. "Well now we can!, you want to train with me?" he asked.

My face lit up with a smile as I nodded happily. He took my hand and started walking.

My cheeks became red. We came into the training ground, Zenitsu and Inosuke were sleeping, since they trained before us. "Here" Tanjiro handed me a wooden sword, since we could not use our real ones until we fight Demons.

"Thanks". Taking our stances and getting our swords in place, we started training. Luckily, I was able to dodge most of his attacks, but I was slower then normal, since the Demon attack.

Tanjiro quickly knocked the sword out of my hands "I win".

Groaning at my defeat, I picked up the sword again. "I need to become faster again, which means, training".

"I can help you" Tanjiro said while looking at some of the trees, "eh?, really?" I replied. "Yep!" he said with a smile.

With that, we spent days training, and I might be falling for him, I mean... um.... okay fine.. I am in love with him.

"Yas! I win!" I raise my arms in the air as I knock the sword from his hand, it was night time by now. "Well done!" Tanjiro said while laughing. "Thanks again for helping me Tanjiro" I put the sword away,

"Its not problem Y/n, I'm here to help" he says.

"I.. wanna show you something, come" Tanjiro's face turned red. "eh?... ok?" I said before following the boy.

We were able to get onto the roof, which I had no idea you can even do that. "Woah".

"I know right?, I found a way up here a few nights ago" Tanjiro said.

You could see the stars in the sky, clouds covering the moon, it was all so amazing. "Y/n-" Before Tanjiro could say something, the crow landed on my head, giving me a heart attack. "Y/n!, Tanjiro!, head North! North! head to the Simuru Village!, head to the Simuru Village!, Demon's are attacking!"

The crow cawed while flapping its wings...."GET OFF ME!" I shout. "Go now! Go, go!", I was able to swat the bird away. "Wait... Shimuru village... that's my home village" I say with a worried expression on my face.

The village I live at is small... and with Demons attacking.... its a high chance many could die. I grabbed Tanjiro's arm as we ran down "WE NEED TO HURRY!".

Poor Tanjiro could not even say anything. In a hurry, both of us got dressed. Tanjiro put Nezuko In her box.

Waving goodbye to Shinobu, Aoi and Kanao, we were on our way. I was beyond worried, for my family, even if they did not treat me well, I still loved them. Tanjiro saw my expression and took my hand in his own, "It is going to be okay, I promise".

Not only did I blush from the contact, my face lit up with a smile. He always made me feel happy.

I was still nervous of what lays ahead. I needed to make sure my family was safe. And protect the village.

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