Chapter 6

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Y/n's Pov

A couple more days past, and Tanjiro was acting strange, like he was hiding something from me.

I thought nothing of it, since he was quite busy. I was busy braiding Nezuko's hair since she wanted to stay in my room for the night.

*Knock Knock*

"Come in!" I said when I heard a knock at the door. Kiyo opened the door, one of the triplets, "Hey Kiyo!, can I help you?" I asked. "Um.. Tanjiro wants to see you, he is on the roof" she said in her normal shy voice. "Thank you!" I said as she left the room.

"Alright, Nezuko I will be back, okay?" I said. Nezuko nodded with a small squeak under her muzzle.

I stood and walked to the roof top. I wonder why Tanjiro wants to see me, and why on the roof top?.

I got up onto the roof to see Tanjiro, standing nervously. "Hey Tanjiro, Kiyo said you were looking for me?" I asked and Tanjiro faced me. "Yep!" he said. I walked towards Tanjiro, seeing he was hiding something behind his back. "What are you hiding?" I asked. "I-.... umm..." his face turned red.

"Can you turn around for me?" he asked. "eh?" I replied.

"Please?". "Okay okay" I could not say no to him so I turned around. I heard him walk closer then he suddenly stopped. Then I felt something cold touch my neck, "Huh?" I asked in confusion. I looked down as saw a heart necklace around my neck "Whats this for?".

"It's something I just wanted to get you" Tanjiro said before wrapping his arms around my waist, to my back was against his chest.

"Do you like it?" he asked. "Hehe, I love it!, thank you Tanjiro" I replied. He places kiss on top of my head.

He spun me around so that I was facing him. Both our faces were yet again, blood red.

Tanjiro placed his lips against mine, he surprisingly tasted like sweet Honey. We broke apart for air. Both of us were again smiling like dorks.


Few more weeks past, everything was going great, we got stronger over the weeks, until we got a new mission. To go to the Mugen Train, to help the Flame Hashira Rengoku. He was on a mission to find a Demon that has caused over 40 people to go missing.

Who knows what kind of Demon we will be facing, so we needed to be ready. "Okay, is everyone ready?" Tanjiro asked. Zenitsu, Inosuke and I nodded.

We waved goodbye to everyone at the mansion and headed to the train station.

Half they through walking, Zenitsu started having second thoughts, "DO I HAVE TO GOOOOOOOOOOO" he said. "Zenitsu will you quit complaining!" I clapped him on the back on his head. "OW, Y/n! WHATS WAS THAT FOR?" he rubbed the back of his head.

"Complaining!" I said.

Tanjiro softly chuckled from a few feet in front of us.

We arrived at the station a while later, and.... people were giving us strange looks, I mean.... our outfits are strange so...

We finally got on our train after a struggle, so to find Mr Rengoku. "WINDDDD" Inosuke yelled and stormed to one of the windows. "Inosuke no!" Zenitsu yelled, pulling the boar back into the train. I swear, does he ever stay calm?... no?...ok.

We walked for a while until we heard someone yelling in a cabin. "Eh?" I mumbled. We walking into the Cabin and saw Mr Rengoko eating a Bento. I.... umm... ok...

We all walked up to him, "Um Excuse me?, Mr Rengoku?" Tanjiro said. He didn't reply before he started talking.

We all sat down, while Tanjiro and Rengoku were talking, I looked out the window.

"Tickets, tickets please" I man walked in with a hole puncher. We all gave him our tickets and sat down.

A short while later, everyone started to feel tired, everyone in this train. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

The Dream

"Right, Mom and Dad need me to by something, I wonder why, and out of the blue?, Meh" I shrugged my shoulders and went to by the bread. I decided to by some fruit since we were almost out of fruit.

"Right, I think that's everything?" Since I got everything, I decided to go home.

"Mom, Dad! I'm home!" I yelled, Haru wasn't at home since he had some things to do. "Welcome home hun!" Dad said as he ruffled my hair. "Come!, Your mom and I decided to have a game night!" with that, Dad dragged me to the living room.

"This was your favorite game as a child Y/n!" Mom said before putting the bread and fruit away.

"really?! yay!" I jumped in excitement. They laughed at my out burst before sitting down.

We played for hours on end, laughing and having fun. Since we had a old type of clock, I wanted to look at the clock, but there was not a clock in sight. "Mom?, where is the clock?" I asked. Mom ignored my question and continued playing. "I'm home!" we heard Haru yell. "Brother!" I yelled. "Hey squirt" he ruffled my air. "Whatca playing?" he asked and sat down.

"The game that Y/n Loved as a child!" Mom said and smiled at me. "Oh? Sweet!" Haru said and Joined us.

Tanjiro's Pov

"Nezuko?!" I sit up in a cold sweat, I finally got out from my dream. I turned around to see Nezuko looking at me. "Are you okay?!" I asked. She nodded. I looked around, Mr Rengoku was holding a girl by her neck.

He was still asleep somehow.... so was Zenistu and Inosuke and Y/n, Everyone looked calm, except Mr Rengoku and Y/n. "Nezuko, burn the rope off of their arms, I need to find this Demon" Nezuko nodded.

Back to the Dream

I had to deliver something to our neighbor, Haru did not want to, so I had to go. It was a 10 minute walk to their house and then another 10 minute walk back to my house.

"Thank you Y/n!, that's lovely of you!" the lady said. "No problem Miss!" I bowed before walking back home.

She is a kind old Lady, she lost her family a few years back from Demons, so she lived alone for a while. Which made this worse, I was walking at night time.

Finally reaching my house, I saw the door wide opens, which was odd since I remembered to lock the door. "What ?".

I slowly entered the house, I saw blood, everywhere.... walls... ceiling... floor....

"I-.. no" I started shaking. "MOM!? DAD?! HARU?!" I shouted, no answer. "PLEASE, SOMEONE".

In a Panic, I started running around the house, I stopped in my tracks when I saw all 3 of them lying on the floor... Dead..

"NO, PLEASE!" I ran towards them, none of them were moving, "PLEASE, WAKE UP!"

End of the Dream

"GAH" I sat up in a panic, giving poor Nezuko a fright. "N-Nezuko?!" I said. She nodded.

"Wait..." Scanning the room, I saw Rengoku was missing, Inosuke and Zenitsu still asleep, Tanjiro was also missing, "Nezuko, where did they go?" she pointed to another cabin.

"To find the Demon?" I asked in confusion. She nodded before going to help Inosuke and Zenitsu.

I stood up and ran into another cabin.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw the cabin was covered in some flesh like stuff. "What in the-" I looked around, this cabin was empty which means I needed to continue looking.

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