Chapter 1: One With The Roses

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     The giant ball of light in the sky showed down warmly along the grasses and trees of the Land Of The Florists. A gentle breeze rustled by, as the princess, Amelia Rose, walked the flower garden inside the palace walls. As she walked past them, the flowers turned happily her way as she made her way along the dirt path. She grazed her fingers gently along a few wilted flowers' petals, and they sprung back to life as if smiling a thank you to the princess. But a sorrowful frown plastered her face.

     She let out a soft sigh as she made her way to the Great Tree, planted by the Florists over thousands of years ago, guarded and protected by the royals for years. It symbolized the successful growth of their Land and the peace that had come between both Nature and Darkness. Amelia had found it the perfect place for her to meditate, and grow more with her power from the Rose that was bestowed upon her.

     Her father knew this and had servants build a prayer ground for her, along with a flower bed of every breed of rose surrounding it for her meditation. The sacred flower's powers were not easy to control, and it sometimes had a mind of its own. So she came here every day to meditate and practice her magic, in hopes to become one with the Rose, and unlock all the abilities it had to offer.

     She knelt before the tree, straightening her red silky gown along with the brick flooring, and began her daily routine. She closed her eyes, sucking in a large amount of the sweet-smelling air, and brought her hands together, bringing them down slowly. As she did, a red aura grew around her, as vines began seeping through her hands, growing healthy and strong. She focused, trying to keep her thoughts positive as they grew. It was all going well until she heard shouts, and fighting from the knight training grounds in the distance.

"Long live the king of the Florists!" They shouted fiercely.

     The very mention of her father made her tremble, and lose control of her flow of magic. Negative thoughts began to fill her head, as the vines that grew in her hands became vicious, as sharp thorns poked from them, a black glow forming around them. She gasped in a panic, as she closed her eyes again, trying to steady her breaths, and regain control.

"Calm down Amelia, everything will be alright!" She soothed herself, as the evil thorned vines began to shrink, and wither away as she stopped her meditation process.

     She slumped herself back, as she looked into her palms where her magic flowed through in defeat. For the past few days, her ill thoughts kept consuming her in her meditation, causing her power to turn into her emotions. That's how her power worked. It had begun ever since she had heard a few maidens in the castle whispering to each other inside the palace. She was able to eavesdrop and hear what they were being secretive about.

*"I just heard that the east side of the island is beginning to turn to ash, and no one knows why! Do you think it could be the curse of Death and Darkness?"

"I wouldn't doubt for even a moment. That worthless man that we call king has something to do with it for sure. Why do you think we are forbidden to speak of the year his wife passed? I know he did something then. He has something hidden. And he'll kill and destroy anyone who tries to speak of the matter..."*

     The flashback of the words spoken amongst the two left her sick, and her heart throbbing. Is the island truly turning to ash... From my own papa? Would he really be the cause of such things? She thought in disbelief, as she slowly brought herself back to her feet to get a better view of her land. But, as she stood, some rotten leaves on the Great Tree caught her eye, as she let out a mini gasp. She walked up to it to get a better view, seeing that a whole branch of leaves was beginning to darken. Her heart began to speed up in her chest, as she caressed her hands gently across the dying leaves. She quickly closed her eyes and began concentrating. She made herself think of the love she had for the Great Tree and began to feel her magic surge through her, making its way out through her palms. She slowly opened her eyes to watch as her power engulfed the darkened leaves, and heal them. She let a relieved smile cross her lips, as her magic began to slow, the branch now as good as new. Maybe the words between the two maidens weren't true. She thought with hope, as she walked up to the tree's trunk, and clung to its side as she looked beyond the hill she stood.

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