Ur friends are..odd..

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No ones pov:

Catra was laying down on her bed playing on her phone when she got a call from hordak


"Did u met adora?"he asked

"Yeah...I don't like her"

"Oh! Well if u don't like her I can call of the mission"

"Really?" Catra asked with a smile on her face But her smile quickly dropped when hordak said

"No" he said "u will continue to miss on wether u like or don't like adora"

"Ugh fine" Catra said as she rolled her eyes she was about to say something else but then she heard banging "uhh I'll call u back" Catra said before hanging up  the phone

"GLIMMER CALM DOWN!" Adora yelled as she opened the door

"So whos ur new roommate? Whyd u get a roommate this late anyway? WHO IS SHE?" Glimmer said as her and bow walked into the dorm

"Alright- calm down its not that big a deal!"

"Glimmers just excited"his said as he shrugged

"Who is she?"

"Well her names catra"

"OOOO ok!! Tel me mo-" glimmer started but now cut her off

"What's her name again?" Bow asked adora looked confused but repeated herself anyway


"Where is she?" He asked

"Probably in her room or something I don't-" Adora said but bow cut her off

"I'll be right back!" Bow said being running off

"Uhh..what's up with him?" Adora asked

"No idea.."

"Omg let me go!" Catra said as she tried to get out of bows grip

"No! Ur coming to properly meet my friends!" Bow said as he dragged catra towards glimmer and adora

"But I don't wannnnaaaa" Catra whined

"Well that's to damn bad!" Bow said

"Ok I'm officially confused..." glimmer said as she raised her hand

"This is catra! The one I told u guys about!"

"Yeah I'm still confused.."

"We were like besties form kindergarten to 5th grade! But then she had to move away" bow said

"....OHHHHH that catra!!" Glimmer said

"Yeah I still don't remember.." Adora said and bow rolled her eyes

"That's bc u only use like 2 brain cells!" Bow said and adora pouted

"YEAH WELL U HAVENT TOLD GL-" Adora started but now cut her off

"ANYWAY! I'm so glad Catras ur roommate! Now u two can get to know each other!" Bow said before letting go of Catra

"Yeah sure" Catra said as she rolled her eyes

"What? How do u not like her u just met!"

"Well she doesn't like me do I don't like her" Catra said as she crossed her arms

"I don't like u bc ur mean! And ur scared the shit out of me!" Adora said and catra laughed

"...yeah that was pretty funny" Catra said and adora groaned

"Nah u two will get along!" Glimmer said

"No we won't"

"Yes u will"

"No. We won't"

"Yes. U will"






"Bow ur friends are weird.." catra whispered

"Eh you'll learn to love it"

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