A glimpse of the other side

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  Far in the halls of UA we see the new class of 1-A.  These students are new years who are training to be the next generation of heroes.  Right now we hear the shouting of 2 of these students.  One had blond, spikey hair and red eyes.  The other had blue flat hair, glasses, and was moving his arms in a robotic way.

  "take your feet off the desk, you are disrespecting the people who made them!"  The glasses one shouted.

  "Who shoved a stick up your ass?"

  "Sorry, allow me to introduce myself!  I am Tenya Iida from Soumei Academy!"

  "Oh an elite.  I'll have fun crushing you."

  "You'd threaten me, your own classmate?!  Are you sure you're in the right class?!"

  "Guys be quiet, this isn't really a good impression for your first day."  A man with purple hair that looked to be floating said.

  "Oh yeah, and what are you go-" 

  Before the rage induced maniac could finish his eyes turned completely white with his face expressionless.

  "Shut up and take your feet off the desk."

  The boom boy listened as the other boy walked away.

  All of you be quiet and take your seats."  Another voice they heard said.

  The students looked out the classroom door to see a man with long, black wavey hair laying in a yellow sleeping bag on the floor.  The person got up, and got out of the transportable cushion.

  "Hello I'm Shouta Aizawa and I'll be your teacher for the next 3 years.  Now I know this is sudden but put on these gym uniforms and meet me outside.   You all have 5 minutes, also Shinsou, release Bakugou."

  After he said that, Shinsou waited till after he was out of the room before snapping Bakugou out of the trance.  Once that happened, the angry pomeranian started yelling again once he realized what happened.  

  After a bit they all managed to get outside right before the 5 minute mark.

  "You all have done assessments in high school to calculate your strength but this is different.  Bakugou sense you got first place in the entrance exam come up here.  What was your throw distance in school?"  Aizawa asked once Bakugou got up.

  "67 meters I think."

  "Ok, now throw this with your quirk.  Anything goes as long as you stay in the circle."

  As the teacher finished saying this a maniacal smile appeared on Bakugou's face as he threw the object while making a giant explosion.

  "It's good to know your limits."  Aizawa said as he turned around.  The reader he was holding said 705.2 meters.

  "So we get to use our quirks for this?" A guy with yellow hair, with a streak of black said.

  "This is gonna be so much fun!"  Shouted a girl that had pink hair and skin, as well as yellow horns.

  Hearing that comment, Aizawa sneered. 

  "Fun you say.  You all have 3 years to be molded into top students and you think it's gonna be fun and games.  Fine, person who comes in last place will be deemed to have no potential, and be expelled."

 "You can't do that, we just got here!"  a girl with a bobbed hair style and rosy cheeks shouted.

  "You think life is fair?  You think natural disasters and villains are fair?  If so then you can leave right now.  You're meant to be the best of the best, the next generation.  Show me it was no mistake that you were let in here."  Aizawa stated with a creepy grin.

After hearing that all the students went through 8 tests to see who was the best of them.

(all proceeds as cannon except with Hagakure getting 20th, Shinsou getting 18th and Melissa instead of Midoriya at 19th.  Mineta is not in this)

  "Well those are your results.  Also no one is getting expelled.  It was just a logical deception to make you give it you're all.  Now all of you change back to uniform, grab a syllabus and then your dismissed for today."

  Once everyone had gone out one of the students took out a phone and called an entity we all know and love.

  "Report," the voice of Izuku echoed through the phone.

  The holder morphed his voice to being gurgilly and distorted then answered.

  "My teacher is the pro hero Erasurehead.  Also that bastard from your middle school  is here too.  Otherwise I recorded the data of everyone else in the classroom from what I observed."

  "Good, bring it to me and you shall be done for tonight.  Afterward head back to the home to keep your cover up."

  "Yes sir."

  Now back at Izuku's base we see him sitting in the middle of the hive. He kept producing spores into the incubators to make more of his babies grow.  By now he had more than 10,000 infectors and 8,000 infected.  He also had many smaller nests hidden around the city but his main one was the biggest.  He also had acquired a new type of flood while he was experimenting.  This thing was a fusion of bone mass and limb mass of creatures formed together. It had a few masses of the jaw line to give it the ability to bite but was otherwise made out of the 2 other things.  The creature was great at crawling on walls and could blend into the hive.  He decided to use them as the guards of the nests and hives.  They would attack any unwanted beings that entered the home.  After Izuku had added a few to each home he got to work in making a name for himself.  He started to slaughter and maim a lot of the underworld.  He was making sure that he would be feared and in charge.  this way everyone would think twice before trying to mess with him.  Cause they all know that if you anger the bull, you're gonna get the horns.  And believe me, these horns will hurt even more then getting killed by a pack of starving wolves.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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