Flash Before the Flood

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It's now been many years sense the story in Izuku's life I told you where he first discovered his power.  Now he is at the age of 15.  Throughout his years he discovered the main idea of how his quirk works.  After careful consideration had dubbed it Flood, as an idea about the beings basically flooding the creatures body with the spores.  Throughout the years the 3 smaller creatures all infected a host now, making them all humanoids (picture above).  Izuku had also created more of those small infectors out of animals he had found.  Because of this he had around 200 of the small ones and just 4 of the humanoid ones.  Instead of killing more though he created a growing chamber in the underground hideout they were in.  The room now looked like it was covered in pussing flesh and plants all growing throughout the area.  The area smelt like mold and rotten meat.  Despite it's fowl oder, Izuku and the creatures felt at home cause of it.

  Izuku still went to school, but only to keep up appearances.  Bakugou and the others were still bastards to him and it pissed Izuku off.  He kept hiding his quirk however to see if even the heroes will treat him differently or not.  He hasn't had a chance to test it yet.  Of course that is only until now.

  We see our green haired protagonist at school for the last day.  He's just sitting there, minding his own business when the teacher walks in holding a pile of papers.

  "Sense this is your last day you all need to choose what high school you want to go to.  Just kidding I know you all want to be heroes!"  The teacher shouted as he threw the papers into the air.

  Izuku thought the man was a complete idiot sense everyone had already done those so he just wasted ink by printing those and then just throwing them into the air.  But then again, everyone in this school besides him is a complete buffoon.

 "Hey Teach, don't lump me in with these extras!  They'd even be lucky to make it as a sidekick!"  Bakugou shouted.

  After he made his announcement all his fellow classmates started yelling at him.  Izuku however just sat there and stayed quiet for he saw no reason to yell at the hot head.

  "Your applying for UA aren't you Bakugou?"  The teacher asked.

  "Yeah I am, and I passed the mach tests too so I'll definitely get in!"

  "Ah Midoriya, I see your applying as well." 

  When the teacher said that everyone started laughing except Izuku and Bakugou.  Before the hot head could go over to yell at our protagonist however Izuku went straight up to the teacher, took the paper, then showed it to him right next to another piece of paper which he had written on.

  "As you can see the writing style is completely different.  Maybe if you paid attention to my assignments you would have noticed this.  I'm not signing up for UA."

  After saying that, he walked back to his chair and sat down.  The teachers jaw as well as everyone else's dropped from seeing Izuku actually insult someone.

  "ahem, let's get class started."

  After the hellish day of what we call school was over, Izuku proceeded to leave.  But when he got to a certain distance, Bakugou stepped in front of him.

  "You useless Deku!  How dare you try to be confident!  I'll make sure to show you your place!"

  Bakugou shouted those words as he blasted an explosion into Izuku's face.  The boy screamed in pain as he fell over.  After that the tyrant kept hitting the boy over and over again.  Explosion after explosion, damaging the boy more and more.  As this was happening Izuku was begging for him to stop but it fell on empty ears.  Once Bakugou stopped and came to his senses, he looked down and what he saw horrified him.  There was Izuku, most his face melted to the bone, the eye sockets empty and charred.  All his cloths destroyed, with his rib cage exposed as well as no hair left on his beautiful head.  Bakugou, traumatized by what he did quickly ran away while crying.  He didn't mean to kill him yet he did.



  After the bastard left however the decimated body of Izuku stood up.  Out of the shadows walked another Izuku.

  "Good thing I decided to use a flood clone of myself instead today.  Of course, I made this one weaker then a human so I probably wouldn't have been damaged this bad." Izuku said to himself

  After that fiasco, he walked to the secret base with the flood test dummy.  His body had already repaired and now looked like a duplicate of Izuku again.  Once at the base it was filled with more of the eggs as well as all the flood.  Izuku had decided that what he assumed was definitely true.  The hero society is corrupt as is the rest of humanity.  Racism, war, slaughter as well as all these heroes that just want money and fame.  Izuku after years of studying found out there is only one solution that can fix all these problems, the answer was to infect the world. 

  The only problem was that the form Izuku was currently in wouldn't be able to control that many flood.  So he realized he's gonna have to change it, which requires lots and lots more flesh mass.  So he would have to do the easiest thing to get it, start a blood shower.  Slaughter, maim, and infect to take control and spread.  He will accomplish his goal to make this place a better world for all.  Even if he has to warp and basically enslave the entire human race to do it.  

  "You better be prepared humanity.  for a extinction level flood event is coming all your way, and it will be here really soon."  Izuku stated as he then started to chuckle to himself after, and got to work.

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