What the? | @no_youcantreadthis

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Venti's POV
Instead of the deep, suffocating feeling of being under the water, it feels as if I'm laying on land — as if nothing ever happened. Everything just happened so fast. Wait. My phone! The schoolworks! I open my eyes quickly as if I'm The Flash, and the surrounding area looks alot more different than it should. Theres trees and grass, sure, thats what all forests look like, but one thing that caught my eye is that we aren't in the same area anymore. Wait, we? Is Leila here?

I moved my head to side and indeed saw Leila. She's asleep, like I was seconds ago. I sit up, trying not to make too much noise (as if I can do that, I'm grunting like a troll just trying to get up), and I look down at our clothes once I successfully stand up. They're dry, not wet. They're supposed to be wet. How the hell? Is this a dream? Hold on, how would I even continue to upload chapters of my stories on Wattpad? Will the readers just disappear? Should I even be dwelling on this? I need to wake up Leila! I quickly run over to Leila, and shook her with fervor. "Leilaaaa! Wake up!"

She, of course, does indeed wake up, and I shout "Finally!".

"What the- Venti! Where are we? This isn't where the lake was!" She says upon waking up.

"Big problem. We are in the middle of nowhere apparently, and our clothes are dry, when they're supposed to be WET! We almost just drowned, Leila! Almost drowned!"

After Leila gets up completely, she seems to have processed the information I gave her and looked down at our clothes. Yes, it's indeed dry as I told her. Again, it's as if nothing ever happened.

"Hey, Venti?" I hummed, looking at her directly now. "Yeah?"

"Your hair isn't in a ponytail anymore." She chipped. My hair? Ah, I haven't taken the chance to look at directly, have I?

I pull my (still admittedly short) hair to the front of my face, and I do indeed see not a ponytail, but my regular, old, braided hair. "The hell? My hair too?! This keeps getting weird!"

Our little recovery has to abruptly end, though, as I hear growling that sounds awfully familiar to a Typhoomerang. Luckily, it's not near. "What the- Are we in the world of How To Train Your Dragon? Thats the Typhoomerang! We must be on Eel Island..!"

"Hold on," Leila interrupts, "Isn't this the island with the Bloodvein Eels that can restore a Typhoomerang's shots, and inhabits not only Typhoomerangs but also Speed Stingers, and Snaptrappers?" As soon as she finished her sentence, I immediately realize the danger we're in. Out of all islands we had to fall (or however we got here) into, it's Eel Island. How would we survive this?

As if reading my mind, Leila says something. "We could just chop the trees down and make a raft, you know?"

"But how!? You can't just punch trees down! You need wood to make an axe!"

"We'll use the branches and stick a few pieces of stone to it, dummy."

As if hit by a shot of intelligence, I suddenly realize the branches might just be strong enough. That is, if they're small enough to knock down. And.. If we are fast enough to build it so we can escape the dragons here.

(Author no_youcantreadthis' note:
The "braids" in question are a look-alike of the picture above, hence my character's name "Venti".)

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