Loki's vision began to blur as a choked sob forced its way up to his throat. He pressed his face against Thor's shoulder to muffle the pathetic noise but more just sprung up until his body was wracked by sobs. His stomach roiled with shame- why is he like this? Always needing his brother?

So pathetic.

"I -" but the words didn't come out, he tried to relax as Thor rubbed his back to soothe him, uttering comforting words for him to hear.

His chest became tight and constricted as he sucked in deep breaths, hiccups forming as he hitched in shaky gulps of air.

"I am here, brother," Thor said and the older prince felt the burning in his eyes, but he tried to keep the tears from falling - he had to be strong for his brother.

"I-I am tired, Thor." Loki said in a small, vulnerable voice." I can't -"

"No, Loki. I promise you everything will be fine."

They fell into silence, the only thing that could be heard was their breathing. Loki was still clinging to his brother, trying to not fall apart -

"Don't worry, old me." Loki looked to see where the sound was and he found a transparent version of himself, but he was in his younger form. "Thor will stay by our side forever." Sometimes Loki saw his younger self appearing at any moment, mostly to assure him that he wasn't alone. But only Loki was the only one who can see himself - it is a little bit weird, but Loki suspects that it's his magic trying to assure him that everything will be fine.

"We will never be alone again." His younger self whispered before he disappeared, but Loki heard what he was saying.

"Do you have to leave for Asgard?" Loki said after he calmed down. He knew that it was a little bit childish that he didn't want Thor out of his sight. It has been two weeks since he had returned to his older self and Thor had never left his side. Sure, he can be with the other avengers alone-

"We won't treat you any differently, Loki." Tony had said.

"Yeah, you are still Stark's adopted son." Clint had laughed at the look Tony had sent him, but then his face softened again as he looked at Loki-

"You are still the same Loki," Tony said. "Now, let's leave these boring people and work in our lab."

But he still wants Thor within his reach and now Thor is leaving for Asgard while Loki will have a meeting with Director Fury and the rest of the avengers-

"You know I have to see how Asgard is faring. And I am sure mother would request seeing you." Loki knew that Thor was hiding something from him, but he didn't know what it was.

Loki wanted to see his mother badly, but he didn't know if he would be welcomed in Asgard or not. "I am not sure, Thor, about going to Asgard." The younger prince said sadly.

"You know mother is capable of getting here to get you back to Asgard?" A small smile appeared on Thor's face, but this smile widened and he continued. "And I am sure you would be very welcomed, dearest brother." Thor was still smiling his stupid smile, but it was a contagious thing that Loki began to smile. "Besides, there is someone who would be very pleased to see you." He wiggled his eyebrows -

"THOR!" Loki yelled, he wasn't blushing furiously - it just felt too hot in here, he will tell Jarvis to lower the temperature of the room later.

(Loki would never blush!)

Thor, the bastard (that is what Tomy would call him, Loki thought.) was laughing.

"Shut up, Thor." Loki snapped because he didn't want his brother to make fun of him. After all, he was maybe (-just maybe) in love with Sigyn.

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