Chapter 16- It's time.

Start from the beginning

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By the time they were finished, it was 11:00

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By the time they were finished, it was 11:00. They still had some time to kill, so they headed back to the palace to chat.

"So, how exactly do you plan on getting Zhan back?" Annalise questioned.

"You'll see." She told Annalise.

Annalise nodded.

~Time Skip because I'm lazy :)~

After a lot of chatting, the guard knocked at the door.

"Queen Iris? It's time."

Annalise and Calista nodded and pulled out their crystals that led to the Lost Cities.

Iris waited until the guard left and grabbed her guitar.

She remembered their kiss after he had given it to her.

She remembered how her music made people laugh and cry.

This was how she was going to bring Zhan back.

She grabbed her crystal and leaped to the Lost Cities.

When she got there, the Council was already speaking.

"As some of you may have heard, Sophie Elizabeth Foster has fled the Lost Cities." Councillor Emery started.

Iris scoffed. "Fled" was an understatement. More like "forced to leave."

Suddenly, there was a roar from behind the Council. Everyone screamed and arrows were shot at Zhan, but that only made him more upset.

Just like her vision.

There was only one way to stop this.

*Cue music.

She played her guitar, and everyone turned around to make a path for her. She walked closer to the beast.

When the night has come 

And the land is darkAnd the moon is the only light we'll see.

People of her tribe came in and played the violin with her.

No, I won't be afraidNo, I won't be afraid.

Just as long as you standStand by me

Annalise and Calista came up and sang beside her.

So darlin', darlin' 

Stand by me, oh, stand by me 

Oh, stand, stand by me, Stand by me.

Someone else came in and played their bongos. Tears streamed down Iris' cheeks.

If the sky that we look uponShould tumble and fall

 Or the mountain should crumble to the seaI won't cry, I won't cry 

No, I won't shed a tearJust as long as you standStand by meSo darlin', darlin' 

Stand by me, oh, stand by meOh, stand now, stand by meStand by me 

Whenever you're in trouble, won't you stand by me? 

Oh, stand by meOh, stand now, stand by meStand by me

Slowly but surely, Zhan turned back into Zhan.

Iris ran over and tackled him in a hug. Annalise and Calista. 

"I was so worried, Zhan," Iris said through tears.

Suddenly, everyone started to applaud. Iris turned around to see the whole Lost Cities clapping and cheering.

Iris laughed in relief. 

"Sophie?" A voice said behind her.

Iris turned around to find her friends, family, and the Councillors standing there.

"Hey," She whispered.

"Hey," She whispered

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Fitz P.O.V

"Hey," Sophie whispered.

Sophie had a crown on, and she was wearing a huge dress.

Everyone but the Councillors ran over and strangled her with a hug.

"Sophie- We're so so so so sorry. We were horrid. Please forgive us," Bian said through sobs.

"No- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so mean. But- my name isn't Sophie anymore. It's Iris." Sophie told them.

"No, to them it should be queen Iris." A small girl corrected Iris.

Everyone's jaw dropped and Mr. Forkle backed away.

Iris walked closer to Mr. Forkle.

"You lied to me. You kidnapped me. I never got to meet my dad because of you." Iris said through tears.

Everyone gasped.

"Soph- Iris... I'm so sorry." Mr. Forkle told her, looking away.

"I'm not mad. I'm hurt, Mr. Forkle. I trusted you." Iris told Mr. Forkle, "But if it weren't for you, none of this would have happened."

Iris hugged him, and Mr. Forkle hugged back.

Iris pulled away and turned to Fitz and the others.

"Looks like I have some explaining to do," Iris said.

~Time Skip... Sorry.~

Fitz couldn't believe that Iris was a queen of a whole other tribe. Let alone the fact that she somehow survived a 100-foot fall. 

While they were talking, a sickeningly familiar voice croaked behind them.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here."

Everyone turned around to find 5 Neverseen members behind them. Their guster pushed everyone but Iris back and trapped her in a forcefield.

A/N Dun Dun Dun!!! Next chapter tomorrow! Have an amazing day my little Bees! :)

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