Execution Part II

Start from the beginning

"Oh, no, no, don't worry. In fact, you'll beg me for more."

"Let's see."

Y/N kneeled before him and unbuckled his belt.

"I can't wait," he gasped.

She looked at him in the eyes and unbuttoned his pants. As she opened the zipper, he raised his hips, as if demanding her to take his pants off. She licked her lips, gave him a seductive stare and took them off.

"Just do it, baby girl," he begged.

"The slower, the better," she hissed.

She took his belt and wrapped it around him and chair, and buckled it up.

"You're hell of a crazy girl, aren't ya?"

She smiled. "Let's play a game," she said. She stuck a paper on the wall before him.

He looked at her curves and spoke, "You're really testing my patience."

She ignored him and drew six blanks on the paper. "Ever played hangman?" she asked.

"Y-yes," he replied.

She took a screw driver and a duct tape out of her bag. Henry's heart raced and sweat started dripping down his face as she sealed his lips with the tape.

"Correct letter gives you pleasure and wrong letter gives you pain,"she said in a seductive voice.

He figured out that he was in trouble.

"First letter?" she pulled the tape off his lips.

"H," he hesitated.

She looked at him in the eyes and grinned.

"P-pain or p-pleasure?" he asked.

After putting the tape back, she stabbed his left thigh with the screwdriver. He groaned in pain. He wanted to cry out loud.

"Next letter?" she asked pulling out the screw driver.

He shivered. She removed the tape again.

"Why are you-" he couldn't complete and she punched him.

"The letter?"


She put the tape back. "I need something to write with," she said and looked around for a pen. She had the pen but she had a better idea. She put the screw driver on his fresh wound and slowly pressed it inside. The pain was unbearable. He shut his eyes tightly. Sweat and tears covered his face. She pulled the screw driver out, it was covered in blood. She wrote a 'T' on the last blank with his blood. Looking at him she said, "Time for pleasure." She touched his underwear with the screwdriver. He shook his head and tears rolled down his cheek again. Supressed screams filled the room. She lifted the screwdriver and stabbed the wound again. The pervert tilted his head backwards and screamed but the tape supressed his voice. "After all, pain is pleasure," she whispered in his ear. "Next letter?" She asked removing the tape off his lips.

"Why?" he screamed and she sealed his lips.

"Do you mean 'Y'?"

He looked at her, panting and crying.

"Well if it's 'Y'," she stabbed his right thigh. "And if it's 'why'-" she moved backwards, leaving the screwdriver in his flesh. She leaned on the wall and hummed a song, loud enough for him to hear,

"The way you make you feel has got that fire
With some passion and desire
And I know you feel the same way too
Why else would you bring a GUN TO SHOOT ME
I need you to calm down
So we can try to figure it out."

She finger quoted the words 'Gun to shoot me.'

He knew who she was, he regretted his actions. The end was near and he didn't want more pain.

"Got your answer? Next letter?" She pulled the tape.

"I'm sorry Sarah," he cried and she slapped him.

Putting her two fingers inside his mouth she said, "Speak as much as you are asked to. The letter."

He coughed as she pulled out her fingers. He hissed, "A."

She sealed his lips and said, "Perfect, you choose pleasure." She pulled the screwdriver out of his thigh and filled the second blank with red fluid.

The man felt like he would pass out from the pain.

"No more games," she spoke. "The word here is related to a crime that you have committed. Tell me the correct word and I'll let you live."

He started to close his eyes but she slapped him and he opened them wide. She pulled the tape off and let him speak. He said, "I have committed... many crimes... I can't take this anymore. Please, kill me already."

She giggled, "Told ya, you'll beg for more." She opened the drawer of the nightstand and loaded the handgun. "Last chance, say the word."

"I'm sorry Sarah," fear of death began to take over as he looked at the gun. "I'm a R-RAPIST... but I promise... I will never do that again. P-Please, let me go." He couldn't stop his tears.

"Damage is done. Punishment is fixed. You've been free for such a long time." She pointed the gun at him.

"I-I p-p-promise I won't d-do that again," he stuttered.

"Does this gun have a silencer?" she asked.


"Fuck. The sound would be loud."

He looked at her with helpless face.

"Let me clear a doubt before I kill you," she cleared her throat. "My name isn't Sarah. It's... wait, does that really matter." She pulled the trigger. The room echoed with the loud bang. She dropped the gun and the screwdriver. She took off the gloves, carried her bag and climbed back up through the pipe to her room.

She closed her window and breathed heavily. Her palms felt sweaty. She laid on the floor to calm herself. It was hard to believe that she actually did it. The night passed.

There was chaos in the hotel. People heard a gun shot but didn't know where the sound came from. Room number 19 was closed and even janitors didn't go to clean the room as they read the tag of 'Do not disturb' hanging on the knob.

'Oh, that's what he did when he told me to wait,' she understood.

The consultant came at 1 pm and Y/N discussed the issue. They chatted and sipped tea. He told her several ways to deal with the problem. She took notes and thanked him a million times. He left at 4 pm.

She wrapped up and checked out of the hotel at 10 pm. Before going home, she went to the temple. She entered the familiar doorway and looked at Sukuna with a frightened face. He came to her and hugged her tight. "Very good, I'm so proud of you," he said. "Everything will be fine."

She nodded. They stayed together for some hours and he lightened up her mood. He walked back home with her and told her to rest and not to worry too much. He gave her a kiss and left.

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