20 - didn't need you

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"Please I told you we're over, heck we weren't even dating in the first place" Jieun said hiding her frown. "Besides, he's prolly gonna come to the party with Byeol"

"Why did you even made a promise with her like that? I thought you liked Mark" Seolla commented. The girl was doing her eyeliner.

"Exactly I liked, him. I don't anymore" Jieun emphasized the 'ed'. "They like each other, it's obvious, and I'm not gonna be a bitch about it"

"God you really don't see it huh?" Jay rolled his eyes and Jake laughed along.

"What?" Jieun folded her arms, confused at her friend's comments.

"Nothing~" The boys said in unison.


"God, there's so many people" Seolla said in awe as she scan through the window. There was people even on the front yard. "and we're not even late this time" Jake who was in the driver seat added.

"There's a queue?" Jieun squinted her eyes seeing people line up in the entrance. "Wow Jaehyun is crazy~" Jay commented. "Let's hope we don't have to queue"

The scale of the party itself was pretty impressive. Jieun had been to many parties no doubt, but you can't deny the fact that Jaehyun was indeed rich rich. Which is not a surprise, considering his family owns one of Seoul's biggest telemarketing company.

The house was a huge three stories mansion. It had a large garden and a pool in the backyard. There was a few Lamborghinis and Jeeps parks outside, Jieun assumed that it was either his or maybe from the guests he had invited.

With the house being so huge and spacious, some how it was still fully filled by tons of people in every corner of the house.

As soon as Jieun stepped into the house, she felt a pair of eyes on her. But she brushed it off, thinking it was most probably people who followed her on her Instagram. She saw many familiar faces from campus and some who she hasn't met her whole life.

The four of them stood by near the entrance, taking in the atmosphere of the party. This was nothing knew, they have been to worse and crazier parties than this.

They quickly met gaze with the birthday boy.

"Hey guys! thanks for coming! hope you guys enjoy the night!" Jaehyun greeted briefly before disappearing into the crowd.

"He seems busy" Jay commented. "Yea, I'd be busy too knowing there's like 500 people in my house" Jake joked and the whole squad laugh.

"You guys want a drink?" Seolla asked. "You're not gonna go find Haechan?" Jieun asked.

"What? I can see him later, why?" Seolla made a face. "No but you guys always just kinda go off whenever the party starts..." Jieun muttered and Seolla immediately went in for a hug.

"Pleasee! we all know how tough the past few weeks had been for you, the last thing you need right now is to party alone~" Seolla said and rubbed her back.

"Yea we haven't been partying as 4 in a while now" Jake smiled. "GROUP HUG!!" Jay yelled and the four giggled as they pull each other closer.

"You guys are the greatest I swear!" Jieun grinned. "We're the only ones you have!" Jay added, earning a smack from her.

"Come on let's go to the main room..." Seolla said and dragged all of them.

Looking at the crowd in the main room. Jieun felt alive again, as if her old self was coming back. She grabbed a drink, consuming the alcohol, and letting her feel the music as she swayed to the beat. The other 3 did the same.

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