Credits and Rules

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undertale by Toby fox

dreamtale by Joku

nightswap by:

underswap,dusttale, killer sans,xtale,horrortale and dreamswap idk who made them but not mine

ink by comyet

error by crayon queen

fgod by harrish6 

Rules for requests:

no ships or $̴̭̘̫̥͇̓є̶͓̩͓̐̃̋͘א̸̧̡̫͔͖̹̌ย̴̧͖̣̝̩̬̓͛̋̅̊̅ͅ@̷̢͇̻̯̪̞̃̊̕͜เ̷͔̘͕̟͈̞̿͜  stuff

Any Multiverse is on the table and there creator will be added to the credits unless i made the multiverse (pretty unlikely)

don't expect many updates


crappy writing: descriptions and dialogue

bad grammar

cringy Writer

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