valentines day❤!

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the big 5 are walking to class:

"Happy valentines day!" Araki shouts causing Ren to smirk and say "what are you so excited about! its not like you'll get any confessions" earning himself a eyeroll and a punch on the arm

Rens phone buzzes and he pulls it out

Karma: Hey Sakakibara! lets play a game! I have a imaginary number in my head, if Asano gets more valentines chocolates, notes and confessions than that number your secrets out! better get to destroying!

Ren slowly looks up at Asano who is eating a chocolate out of the two boxes he already got

"bathroom" Ren yells and literally runs to Asano's locker. He opens it(Asano was to busy tutoring to get his books from his locker last week so he gave Ren his code) there was no less than 7 cards inside. which he quickly threw out.

then Ren pulled a fire alarm and hid while everyone ran by. he goes to the classroom collects all the chocolates on Asano's desk and throws them out in a trash down the hall. Ren goes outside and meets the rest of the big 5.

They spent a few minutes talking until Ren says "hey Asano can I borrow your phone? Mines still inside and I want to text my date that I'm ok

"sure" Asano answers handing over his phone

Ren smiles before opening up Asano's texts. He then opens up Asano's texts and quickly deletes all messages sent by their classmates about meeting for valentines day. he then actually texts his date(a blond girl from class 2B) that he's ok. he ends up spending basically the whole school day running around destroying cards, flowers, chocolate and confessions.

Ren paces back and forth sending glances toward the gratitude chocolates he made Asano. School was over and Ren had long since gone home. He was wondering if this last chocolate would go over whatever limit karma had set, because he really wants to give it to Asano. Finally he decides- screw it and texts Asano: meet me in the library?

To which Asano responds:I'll be there in 15 minutes.

Ren gets to the library 20 minutes later to see Asano reading a book. Ren sits down and begins studying. About a hour later Ren looks up. "Hey Asano" he says


"I made you gratitude chocolates, for being such a incredible leader and student council president"

"Ah, thank you"Asano responds accepting the chocolates "Ren do you think I'm becoming unpopular?"

"Huh?" Ren says " why would you- how could you think that?"

"I barely got any chocolates this year Asano answers "do you think I'm losing my followers?"

"No of course not!" Ren answers, racking his brain for a reason why people would stop giving Asano chocolates "um the reason you didn't get chocolates is cause there is a rumor you have a girlfriend!" He wasn't lying technically, earlier that day he started that rumor... Not that it worked.

"Are you serious" Asano asks, sitting up a little straighter

"Yes! Everyone is afraid to give you chocolates because of your girlfriend!" Ren lies enthusiastically

"Thank you for the information Ren, though I believe as my follower it should be your job to let me know as soon as you hear of rumors" Asano says, a slight smile present on his face "I'll clear up the rumor"

"Good idea" Ren says and suddenly realizes he's hugging Asano. Ren begins to internally freak out but before he could react Asano turned and hugged him back for a few seconds and then says "stop randomly hugging me Sakakibara" then turned back to his book

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