meanwhile, with class 3e

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since this chapter is pretty short I'm posting it on the same day as the last one. enjoy and thank you for reading!

"Karma you shouldn't be so happy Asano got in trouble" Nagisa reprimands

"oh come oooon" Karma groans and turning off his phone "its funny"

"well don't forget the real purpose of this mission" Sugino says

"yeah to get those two kids together!" Kayano says

"so that sensei can write his book!" Koro sensei shrieks waving his hands in the air

"and cause you promised us 6 tentacles if we helped" Itona adds monotonously

"so what's next" Terasaka asks annoyed, he didn't want to be here and had spent this whole time complaining on how  its a waste of time

"well valentines day is coming up" Okada says timidly "m-maybe we can have Sakakibara give Asano chocolates?"

"but everything we have Karma make Sakakibara do needs to seem to have bad intentions" Kanzaki muses "how do we make giving Asano chocolates seem bad?"

"Ooo I know what we should do!" Kayano jumps out of her seat "the jealous girlfriend troupe! we can pretend to try and hurt Asano's self esteem and have Sakakibara secretly steal all of Asano's chocolate"

"genius!" Nagisa gasps "now we can have Sakakibara think about Asano all of valentines day! and if Asano's feelings are hurt we can put Sakakibara in the position to help him!"

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