xl. proper introduction

Start from the beginning

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Chad went to stop by Alex's hotel room before heading to Haley's. It's only been less than a week since the incident and well, he just wanted to make sure everything was alright with her. He was hesitant but did it anyway— he lightly knocked on her door. Soon the door opened and he was greeted with a smiling Alex.

She let him in so easily. He was her first guy friend she didn't want anything more with. Sure she flirted with him in the past, but that was it. Besides, she was a different person then.

"If you came to check on Millie, she's in rehab as of yesterday." Alex started conversation with her fellow musician.

"That's good but I actually came to see you. I wanted to ask you a question." He told the burnett.

"Ask away." Alex plopped on the couch.

"Well . . . " He walked around the couch, "I was hoping you'd sing with me this weekend. I wrote a song and it's a duet. So, I need a girl's voice . . I was hoping you'd join me."

"Not Mia?" Alex was a bit shock. Usually Mia is his first choice and in Alex's defense, she hasn't been singing for that long.

"It's your time to shine, Dupre. So what do you say?" Chad now stood behind the couch as Alex turned in his direction.

A smile grew across Alex's lips, "Yes!"

It was easy to tell she was happy even after everything. Chad was happy that he got to lighten someone's day unlike his. Each day that was getting closer and closer to the wedding was another day closer to losing Peyton. He just needed to smile for once— to not feel like the world, his world is ending.

• • •

Eventually the recall guest for wedding marathon was over and everyone was getting up and ready to leave. Not everyone knew about what's been going on with Peyton and Chad, very few people knew. Considering she doesn't have much time now, she couldn't help but do this on impulse.

"Let's watch a movie!" Peyton blurt out has everyone was in the process of leaving Haley's house.

"What?" Ashely didn't quite understand and it was random . . especially for Peyton.

"I mean . . if you guys would like to stay." Peyton shared a look with Logan and teressa.

"Sure." Logan casually agreed with a shrug.

"Yeah, totally. I'm going to call Luke." Teressa also agreed before exiting the living room to make her call.

Peyton been wanting to share everything that's been going on with her but she promised Chad they would keep it between them and Brooke. But she knew eventually she would tell because if something happens and she needs to go to the hospital, she wants her friends to know why and not be surprised.

Brooke noticed Peyton was acting weird and not just because of what's been happening but because she knows her— she knows her best friend. After teressa went to go call Lucas, Brooke and Peyton went to have a little chat outside in Haley's backyard.

"Are you feeling ok?" Peyton could tell Brooke was worried.

"Considering everything else— yeah. I'm ok, I promise." She reassured Brooke, "I just want to spend time with my girls before I'm gone and I want get to know teressa and Logan before I can't." Peyton spoke softly as a tear left her eye and Brooke's.

"We better get back inside before we start balling." Brooke tried to lighten the mood which she accomplished.

The blonde and the burnette headed back inside. Everyone else was trying to find a good movie to watch while Haley was in the kitchen making a lot of popcorn.

• • •

Eventually Chad got to Haley's house, like he was planning. He finally met his sister's girlfriend and teressa. Apparently Lucas talks a lot because she knew exactly who Peyton and Chad were. Apparently Lucas didn't mention any of the bad things, just the good times and according to teressa, he called Chad his friend. Let me tell you, that was all Chad thought about the rest of the day.

He didn't think he would ever hear that word again from Lucas ( even though it was said by teressa ). During the movie, his mind was only thinking about Lucas. He wanted to be there with his fiancé and enjoy the movie, but knowing that there's a chance for him and Luke to rekindle their relationship— he had to do something about it and Peyton knew it too. She could tell Chad wanted to talk to Lucas right then.

Peyton rested her hand on his arm and leaned over to whisper, "If you want to go talk to him, you can go."

Chad whispered back, "You sure?"

"I get it. Go. I love you." She spoke before softly kissing his cheek.

"I love you too." Chad smiled at her before heading out and going to Lucas' home.

a/n: do you think there's hope for Lucas and Chad ?honestly it would be reallynice to see them rekindle their friendship after all this time

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do you think there's
hope for Lucas and Chad ?
honestly it would be really
nice to see them rekindle
their friendship after all this

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