Kitten? (Leon x Chris)

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There was a lot to expect when it came to bioterrorism and life in general but this was not one of them. Watching your boyfriend play with a kitten on the floor was not what Chris expected to see when he came home. "Where did you get the cat?" Chris asked a little worried, neither of them weren't home enough to take care of the thing and Chris didn't want to leave it home alone. "It's Claire's, because I'm off work from the hospital visit I have time to pet sit" Leon said with a smile turning back to the kitten that was biting Leon's finger. "Oh yeah Claire had that festival thing with Ada.." Chris said putting away his things and putting the bag with food in it on the counter "it's a fundraiser not a festival, it's a pre fundraiser technically, tomorrow Claire has to put Pandora into a pet daycare "Leon said as Chris continued to unwind, and set some things up. Well then I hope your not too busy to eat your dinner" Chris chuckled a little handing the plastic container to Leon as he sat down on the couch Leon didn't bother to sit on. There was N.C.I.S playing on the TV that Leon put on but had forgotten about as he was occupied with the cat. Leon started eating well tried the cat wanted a taste as well and Leon wasn't so happy about that. *END* This was cute to re-read...

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