Temptations and Distances

Start from the beginning

"Hmm... let me check..." Anirudh murmured as he traced her lips before gasping, "Have you been lying to me, Ms Das? I have evidence that your lips have been utilised recently. Are you trying to scam your own Barrister here?"

Bondita cheekily smirked and shook her head.


"Another lie! You are now going to get punished by Barrister Anirudh Roy Chowdary for committing fraud against your own clan."

Before Bondita even got the chance to process what he just said, Anirudh pressed his lips against hers hungrily and started to passionately kiss her. Bondita instinctively closed her eyes and also kissed him back rhythmically.

They were moving back and forth on the lips they were working on, inducing their individual desires even more. Bondita moved her hands from his chest to his neck and was fiddling around with the white band collar.

Anirudh was so caught up in this intimate kiss that he nearly forgot about his 'punishment'. He then grasped onto her face and abruptly bit Bondita's bottom lip, pulling it with his teeth sensuously.

This action did in fact catch Bondita off guard and the initial bite did slightly pain but the way Anirudh was behaving so passionately today aroused her even more and she genuinely wanted him to do more of what he was doing.

After pulling her lips to the furthest it can stretch up to, he suddenly let go of his grip from his teeth and they recoiled back to their original position.

"Mmmm!" Bondita moaned from feeling this pleasurable pain.

Anirudh slightly opened his eyes and looked down at her lips, noticing that the lower one was slightly swollen. He then proactively went closer to suckle on them to help heal them a little.

"Did it hurt you?" Anirudh concerned amidst the kissing.

Bondita slightly shook her head in disagreement but Anirudh broke the kiss and looked at her dearly.

"Bondita, you need to tell me when you're in pain. Don't hide it from me!" he stressed to which she cutely frowned.

"You're only paining me now from not kissing me!" she whined.

Anirudh raised his eyebrows and pinched her cheeks that were puffed out due to her slight anger.

"Bondita that's enough for today... and tomorrow... and the day after..."

Bondita's jaw dropped from hearing his statement.

"What?!!" she gasped.

"Yes! I want you to now focus on the case. If we carry on getting distracted like this then we're going to go nowhere in this case!" Anirudh emphasised.

"How is this even a distraction?" she huffed.

"Bondita, we're working together remember?" Anirudh reminded as he hugged her from the back, "So now I only want us to focus on this case and get it done and dusted as soon as possible, ok?"

Bondita turned to face Anirudh gloomily and whispered, "So you won't even kiss me?"

Anirudh giggled from hearing her frustration from the tone in which she spoke in.

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