Chapter 12 Bullies

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Renesmee's POV
" Nicholas! " I said giggling as he was chasing me in the meadow, " Hahaha! Stop! " I kept giggling because every time his hand reaches over me, he tickles me, " Please stop! " I giggled, " Never! " He replays, since I couldn't ran anymore, I lie down on the floors, and I could see Nicholas smiling from the corner of my right eye. " You know- " Beep! Beep! Beep! As I trapped the bottom to stop the alarm, I took a long hot shower, and walked in my closet, I got a matching white undergarments, I picked out a white sleeveless crop top, jeans, and white heals, I tied up my hair, and placed a bit of makeup, and headed to eat my breakfast. After I finish eating, I brushed my teeth one more time, and headed to my car, I drive off to school. Once I arrived I found Sarah and walked with hair, we talked about the latest outfits. As I headed to my locker I felt someone pin me in one if the lockers, it was Alex, " Ugh! What do you want?! " I said, " I want you to stop hanging around with Nicholas, because his mine, or else I'll make your life a living hell! " Alex said, " Me and Nicholas are just friends, his all yours you little brat, and I'm not going to stop hanging around him just because you said so little bully, so if you please, move! " I said, I could see she was fuming with anger, I just smirked in return, once she backed off, she gave me a big punch in my stomach, that surely is now purple, " Watch it! " She hissed and walked off, I held my stomach and rush to the clinic, my suspicions were correct it had a big purple bruise, I told them when I was in the parking lot I hit the rail in my stomach. They sent me home and I told my parents and the rest the same excuse, I was able to block my thoughts from my day. I spent most of the day reading, sleeping and vomiting. I'm so sure that Alex is the daughter of the devil, because she is one. This week I wasn't able to go to school because of my bruise, as days pass I was able to got to school, but whenever I come home I always get a bruise from the devil herself, Alex. I don't even know if I will live, with Alex being around, so I made the discussion to avoid Nicholas temporary , until I find a way to avoid getting hurt, I can see the hurt in his face when I ignore him, it hurts for me too, but I'm still trying to find ways to communicate with him, without Alex knowing, but that's impossible, it's like she knows everything, my life has been a living hell, and it hurts a lot! Oh, how can I make it a living heaven, how?

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