Chapter 1 Perfect to Problems

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Bella's POV
Renesmee's life is starting to get more peaceful, it's like her life is starting all over again, she forgot the fight with the Volturi years ago, she's turning 12 next month, my baby girl is about to be a teenager then, going to an adult, I thought this deeply in my mind forgetting that the whole family, except Jake and Renesmee, where just around me discussing something that I wasn't able to pay any attention to. I saw Alice in her vision then suddenly she snapped back and Jasper went to her asking her what is it about, " There is going to be a thunderstorm tomorrow " Alice said. Emmet started jumping which, only means we are having family baseball tomorrow, " Great which means baseball, or Edward might even have some time to show Nessie how to play baseball " I said, Emmet excitement turned into terror, " No way Bella, I'm not teaching her, anyone but her, the last time I thought her something it took her a day to learn, I can't spend my whole day teaching, that's just a big old boring day! " Emmet said out loud, I smacked him in the arm, " If you ever talk like that to my daughter again the next thing you'll know one of your eyes are severely injured and taken out! " I told him back. Edward just smirked, " I can teach her, it's just like father and daughter bonding time." Edward said, I always loved how he would spend his time with her, they would always end up getting dirty at the end which means they were either playing or they were close to somewhere dirty. I gave him a quick kiss, then went to Carlise to ask him a question when suddenly I heard Rensemee screaming so, I quickly ran up to her room and once I entered I saw her room covered with blood, Edward came and then going to the rest of the family. Carlise went to one of the spots that had blood and smelled it, " One of the Volturi's were here" Carlise said, I gasped and went closer to my daughter
who was still screaming in shock, I was also wondering where is Jake? He was here with Renesmee sleeping, I knew I had to ask Renesmee what happened, " Renesmee, sweetheart what happened? How did blood get all over your bedroom even to you?" I said barely able to relax. " Jane was here, she used her powers on me for a long time, Jake tried to fight her but just did the same to me but only " she said without finishing her sentence, I growled along with the rest once I heard Jane was here and, used her powers in my daughter. Renesmee started crying, " She killed Jake and threw him in the backyard " she said barely able to speak. I got shock as I heard my best friend died, I felt so sad and angry at the same way, why would Jane do that, we haven't done anything yet, she just walked up in my daughter's room, used her powers on her and my best friend then suddenly kills my best friend, what the heck is going on here! " Renesmee are you alright? " Edward said worriedly, " I'm fine but hurt and sad that one of my friend just died in front of me in my room " she said sobbing. " Renesmee, where did all this blood come from? " Edward asked worriedly again, " From Jane, Jake phased into his wolf form and then Jane used her powers on him, Jake was close to Jane so he overwhelmed her power only a bit and he scratch her, I couldn't believe it but Jane spread a lot of blood " she said.

Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 3 (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora