Chapter 9 Drama

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Edward's POV
This is it, I'm finally letting my daughter go to school, she's growing up so fast. I'll be dropping her off to her school,
Oxford University, I just can't stand seeing her as a beautiful and intelligent young lady, or maybe a grown lady. I called for my daughter to her know once she's done eating her breakfast she goes here. Minutes came and she came running to my car like a beautiful angel. " Hey daddy! " she said as she kissed my cheek, and then put her seatbelt on, " Hey baby girl! How are you this morning? " I asked, " Perfect! " she said cheerfully. As I reached to her school, I went out and opened the door for her, I hugged her, then kissed her cheek, " I'll miss you baby girl, love you! " I said about to burst into tearless cry, " Bye daddy, I'll miss you too, love you! " she said, " Wait, I have a surprise! " I opened the back door, then came my wife, " Hi sweet heart! " she exclaimed hugging Nessie, " Mom! " " Do you really think I would miss this for the world, o bought tickets to come back from Forks! I'll miss you baby girl, I love you so much! " " You too mom, you too! " As the bell rang, Renesmee hugged the both of us and said her last bye, I saw her walking away, I pained my heart so much to see her go " " She's a big girl know " Bella said crying her heart out, " She's our big girl, and will always will be " I said, and walked in my car as my baby girl soon disappeared.

Renesmee's POV
As I entered my school I was so excited, I bumped in a girl, two girls at the back of her, " Sorry! " I said, " Watch it! " the two girls at the back said in unison, as the girl who I bumped in stood up she said, " Watch it, the next thing you'll know is my fist going towards you newbie. I'm the queen here so don't bother " she said and walked a way the two girls at the back following her. A girl walked up to me, " Hi! I'm Clarissa! Don't worry about Alex, she's a brat " Clarissa said, " Hi! I'm Renesmee Cullen, but you can call me Nessie, I'm new here! Thanks for the advice! " " Whoa, your a Cullen, aren't they suppose to be crazy rich?! " " I'm not sure " " Bet you are, your in Oxford, you have a nice bag, an iPhone 6 plus, and jewelries! I'll show you around if you want! Oh by the way, careful who who you trust, there are players/jerks here! " " That would be great! Thanks for the info., I best watch my back! " I said. Wow, my first day, and I got my self some one and a kind of drama! Guess that how it is!

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